• Client

    Two large enterprises of the aviation industry

  • Background

    Commitment to merging two large enterprises of the aviation industry in order to: (1) reduce the risks of a hostile takeover; (2) improve efficiency; (3) make a comprehensive proposal for strengthening market position.

  • Solution

    SBS Consulting’s team was invited to assess current state and develop a single strategy document for the joint group of companies. Main tasks of the SBS Consulting’s experts included: (1) independent assessment of the current state and systemic development challenges of the companies; (2) establishing development benchmarks (strategic, operational, financial) for the joint group of companies; (3) devising activities for achieving defined strategic goals (in areas of increasing sales, launching new products, developing partnerships, reforming management system, improving operational efficiency).

  • Results

    Project results include a draft development strategy for the joint group of companies, a plan of transformation of organizational and functional structures upon merging into a single group, estimation of synergistic effect of a merger under various scenarios and a roadmap of establishing the joint group and a risk management plan for implementation of the strategy.