• Client

    The Ministry of Industry and Trade

  • Background

    September 2019 Russia ratified the Paris Agreement. Then in December the National Action Plan for the first stage of adaptation to climate change for the period up to 2022 was approved, within which the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia was ordered to ensure the implementation of several measures. SBS Consulting was tasked to develop proposals for the formation of a sectoral climate change adaptation plan.

  • Situation

    The project was implemented in 3 stages. At the first stage, an analysis of the Russian regulatory framework in the field of climate regulation, ecology and related areas, as well as the best foreign practices (EU, USA, Canada) in the field of climate regulation was carried out.

    At the second stage, climate risks were identified, a methodology for assessing climate risks by industry was developed and applied, based on the result of the analysis of Russian and foreign analytical reports and scientific articles in the field of climate change. The result of the second stage is the identification of industries with the greatest impact of climate risks and industries that are beneficiaries of climate change.

    At the third stage, the practice of collecting statistical indicators on climate change in Russia and developed countries was analyzed, as well as the recommendations of international organizations for the collection of statistical climate information. The result of the third stage is the system of target indicators for achieving the goals of adaptation to climate change and forecasting the possible values of target indicators proposals development.


    As the result, climatic risks by industry were identified and assessed, possible values of target indicators were predicted and proposals were made on the adaptation measures structure for industry and on updating sectoral strategic planning documents, considering climate risks