Current development of world's oil & gas production is shaped by three multidirectional trends: shift of the exploration into regions with challenging conditions (deep sea, northern sea shelf, permafrost territories); shale revolution; change of global consumption patterns.

Refining and petrochemicals, major industries-consumers, are also undergoing significant changes. This leads to the need to optimize production capacity, product portfolio, and further integrate refining and petrochemical capabilities.

The development of low-tonnage and medium-tonnage chemistry (MOA) is becoming one of the priorities for the development of the industry and requires an accelerated decision on which of them it is necessary to concentrate investment resources. The choice of priority areas of the MOA, the selection of technology, teams, attraction of investments are topical issues for both existing players and new investors.

Our expertise in the section may help your company in:

  • Development of marketing and product strategies

  • Development of a business plan for raising funds

  • Assistance in implementation of government support instruments

  • Implementation of projects aimed to streamline operations