- Vladimir
- Managing partner
Application of the Russian experience of SBS Consulting in the implementation of international projects
SBS Consulting, together with the National Consulting Alliance, is a strategic partner of the V International BRICS+ Municipal Forum in 2023. Especially for the event, the SBS Consulting team systematized the projects proposed for implementation in the BRICS+ countries based on the Russian experience. More information about the proposed projects can be found in the presentation
Business Transformation for SMEs
As part of this project, SBS Consulting will help not only with diagnosing the company's problems and developing a new development strategy, but will also take a direct part in the implementation of changes. Business transformation is the strategic and operational management of a company together with our expert until sustainable results are achieved. Learn how transformation happens in
Organization manageability diagnostics
As part of this product, we conduct a survey of employees, on the basis of which the level of manageability of the organization is assessed. The questionnaire can be filled out using the link Organization manageability diagnostics.
Based on the results of the diagnostics, a seminar can be held in order to develop priority measures to improve the management system. Detailed information in presentation -
Development of a business plan
What is the difference between strategy and business plan development? When developing a strategy, several alternatives are analyzed, while the consultant is expected to study each of them in order to help the client make a balanced and justified choice of the priority one. When developing a business plan, we rely on the chosen alternative and we receive a significant part of the information from the client. That is why the cost of a business plan can be 3-5 times lower than a strategy.
Development strategies and organizational structures for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME)
Up to 70% of the costs in developing a strategy and organizational structure are associated with analytical work and coordination of recommendations with the client. A fundamental revision of the approach to work organization allows to reduce the cost of work for the client. The service is provided as part of our project Strategy and organizational structure development through brainstorming
SBS Consulting already has high competencies in the field of ESG and is ready to become your reliable a partner on the path of sustainable development. You can count on us to develop a sustainable development strategy development; development of an investment strategy in accordance with the principles of ESG investment; preparation report on sustainable development according to ESG standards and in accordance with the best international practices; support companies in obtaining an ESG rating, etc. To assess the level of ESG-progressiveness of the company, we invite you to fill out a questionnaire The ESG-progressiveness of the company.
Detailed information in documents:
Global environmental agenda and carbon regulation
Environmental management at the corporate level
Development principles of responsible investment in the world and in Russia
Evaluation companies by the degree of disclosure of ESG information
Corporate training
We conduct corporate training of top management and employees on the strategies and annual business plans development, business processes reengineering and process management implementation, Lean manufacturing.