18 October 2024
The study by SBS Consulting «Analysis of economies of BRICS countries and their cooperation with Russia in international trade» turned out to be one ...
The study by SBS Consulting «Analysis of economies of BRICS countries and their cooperation with Russia in international trade» turned out to be one of the most readable in 2023, so we decided to update the data. The study answers the question of how economies and trade relations are structured in all 10 BRICS countries.
The results of the analysis will help the business community and economic agents to assess the prospects of inter-state cooperation and investment in trade relations.
11 October 2024
SBS Consulting experts continue to monitor the market of agricultural machinery. Director Dmitriy Babanskiy expects the market to grow with ...
SBS Consulting experts continue to monitor the market of agricultural machinery. Director Dmitriy Babanskiy expects the market to grow with increasing subsidies.
4 October 2024
SBS Consulting Director Dmitriy Babanskiy assessed the plans of the UMG Group to build factories for assembling Chinese tractors in Russia. If the ...
SBS Consulting Director Dmitriy Babanskiy assessed the plans of the UMG Group to build factories for assembling Chinese tractors in Russia. If the plans of the Group are implemented, a company will appear on the market that can compete with domestic technology and technology from friendly countries.
2 October 2024
The tyre market is getting more active. The car tyre market is growing, as well.
27 September 2024
September 24-29, the international youth forum «Eurasia Global» 2024 is taking place. Experts of SBS Consulting Managing partner Vladimir ...
September 24-29, the international youth forum «Eurasia Global» 2024 is taking place. Experts of SBS Consulting Managing partner Vladimir Samokhvalov, partner Sergey Cherkasov and consultant Vyacheslav Romanychev were invited as speakers and facilitators on the topic of development of international youth cooperation.
The topic of digital financial assets was also discussed in the context of international cooperation. We have already told about our publication in RBC PRO on the topic «Dollar and euro is not faith: what can become new money».
The study «What can become new money? Energy currency» can be found on the website. tag=SBS%20Consulting&ysclid=m1kgkrptsk194079885
26 September 2024
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babanskiy continues to provide regular commentary on trends in the Russian automotive and aftermarket for ...
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babanskiy continues to provide regular commentary on trends in the Russian automotive and aftermarket for Kommersant.
20 September 2024
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky noted the trend in the Russian leasing market in Russia: an increase in the share of passenger cars compared ...
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky noted the trend in the Russian leasing market in Russia: an increase in the share of passenger cars compared to trucks in the segment of leasing.
19 September 2024
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the reasons for the growth of spare parts sales for commercial transport and special equipment. ...
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the reasons for the growth of spare parts sales for commercial transport and special equipment. Sales of spare parts increased by a factor of one and a half over the same period in the previous year.
12 September 2024
The HR Director of the consulting company for developing the strategy of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova informed the correspondent ComNews that she ...
The HR Director of the consulting company for developing the strategy of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova informed the correspondent ComNews that she was interested in taking part in the pilot project of SBS Consulting to explore the platform’s potential as a user. Especially noted the benefit of implementing adaptation modules, performance management and internal portal to build more efficient process with staff. Also, Anastasia Usanova noted that she is ready to recommend the implementation of different modules to large customers and companies with a staff of 500 people interested in automating HR processes, including the platform from «Samolet».
6 September 2024
SBS Consulting partner Oleg Sutyryn explained to Izvestiya the reasons and consequences of the increase in Russian gas exports to the European ...
SBS Consulting partner Oleg Sutyryn explained to Izvestiya the reasons and consequences of the increase in Russian gas exports to the European Union.
3 September 2024
The director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babanskiy assessed the situation with the rising market decline in agricultural machinery. In the period ...
The director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babanskiy assessed the situation with the rising market decline in agricultural machinery. In the period January-July, sales of Russian factories decreased by 10.9%, to 127.7 billion rubles.
16 August 2024
IT-integrator GC Softline has gained control in the OMZ-IT group «OMZ Promising Technologies». The group is part of Gazprombank, its IT division ...
IT-integrator GC Softline has gained control in the OMZ-IT group «OMZ Promising Technologies». The group is part of Gazprombank, its IT division develops solutions for digitization of industrial enterprises. As a result of the transaction, Softline plans to expand its presence in the industrial sector and OMZ group to expand its customer base. Experts consider the partnership to be useful, although they recognize that digitalization is still slow in a number of industry sectors.
16 August 2024
The prospects for the development of the electric charging stations market (EEZ) attract large investors. Thus, the structure of Alexei ...
The prospects for the development of the electric charging stations market (EEZ) attract large investors. Thus, the structure of Alexei Lebedev, which has joint projects with top managers and founders of «Transmashholding» (TMKH), received more than 70% in the producer of EZZ «Apples». So far, such stations are operating at a self-sustaining level, but their economy will improve with the growth of the electric car fleet, analysts say.
16 August 2024
The growth in sales of electric cars with faster wear-and-tear tyres will lead to higher demand for tyre material - synthetic rubber. By 2034, their ...
The growth in sales of electric cars with faster wear-and-tear tyres will lead to higher demand for tyre material - synthetic rubber. By 2034, their global consumption could increase by almost 20%, to 16.8 million tons. This will allow Russian companies, which account for about 10% of the world market in synthetic rubber, to increase their output and exports despite Western sanctions, experts believe.
15 August 2024
The growth rate of sales of domestic special equipment slowed down: as a result of the half-year, the figure increased by 6%, to 38.6 billion ...
The growth rate of sales of domestic special equipment slowed down: as a result of the half-year, the figure increased by 6%, to 38.6 billion rubles. , against the 9.2% growth in the first quarter. In «Rosспеchmacha» they talk about the pressure of imports from China and the increase of the cost of financing. A Leasing bidders indicate that the market in many segments has reached saturation.
15 August 2024
The situation on the market of agricultural machinery after the half-year was noticeably complicated. Shipments of Russian factories, which had ...
The situation on the market of agricultural machinery after the half-year was noticeably complicated. Shipments of Russian factories, which had previously shown growth, have fallen by 10% in monetary terms, and the entire market by 15-18%. For the first time in recent years, according to «Rosspcimacha», sales in real terms are also declining in all segments. Market participants and analysts explain the situation by low profitability of farmers and pressure of CB rates on the market.
14 August 2024
The article of SBS Consulting Personnel Director Anastasia Usanova for the educational platform Acton 360 «How large consulting companies attract and ...
The article of SBS Consulting Personnel Director Anastasia Usanova for the educational platform Acton 360 «How large consulting companies attract and evaluate candidates» has been published.
19 July 2024
Director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the decrease in revenues of one of the major players of the Russian car market - manufacturer ...
Director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the decrease in revenues of one of the major players of the Russian car market - manufacturer of heavy trucks KamAz.
18 July 2024
SBS Consulting Human Resources Director Anastasia Usanova has prepared an article for Action Cadres training platform on «Chat-bots, AI, ATS and ...
SBS Consulting Human Resources Director Anastasia Usanova has prepared an article for Action Cadres training platform on «Chat-bots, AI, ATS and other automation tools: where to start».
21 June 2024
SBS Consulting experts continue to monitor trends in the agricultural machinery market. SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the ...
SBS Consulting experts continue to monitor trends in the agricultural machinery market. SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the development of partnership programs between Russian and Chinese companies.
Subscriber material (corporate access on request).
11 June 2024
Victoria Sukovalova, head of SBS Consulting marketing, commented on Prime, explaining why Western companies do not want to leave the Russian ...
Victoria Sukovalova, head of SBS Consulting marketing, commented on Prime, explaining why Western companies do not want to leave the Russian market.
8 June 2024
The study of SBS Consulting «Analysis of BRICS economies and their cooperation with Russia in the sphere of international trade» was included in the ...
The study of SBS Consulting «Analysis of BRICS economies and their cooperation with Russia in the sphere of international trade» was included in the list of recommended literature SPIEF-2024. The study analyses the economic performance of the BRICS countries, their impact on international trade, economic growth and technological development, and assesses the prospects for joining new members.
7 June 2024
Alexey Kalinin, Director of State Consulting at SBS Consulting, answered Vedomosti (Science) a number of questions: What are the most popular ...
Alexey Kalinin, Director of State Consulting at SBS Consulting, answered Vedomosti (Science) a number of questions: What are the most popular R&D areas in Russia? What are the prospects for financing development? What is lacking for improving technologies? How can governments help (and help)?
5 June 2024
SBS Consulting partner Oleg Sutyrin told Nezavisimaya Gazeta: At what stage will robotization of domestic enterprises become an economically ...
SBS Consulting partner Oleg Sutyrin told Nezavisimaya Gazeta: At what stage will robotization of domestic enterprises become an economically profitable and expedient story for business?
31 May 2024
Recently the annual rating of consulting companies «Consulting companies and groups: strategic consulting (2024)» from the rating group RAEX ...
Recently the annual rating of consulting companies «Consulting companies and groups: strategic consulting (2024)» from the rating group RAEX was published. SBS Consulting entered the TOP-10 in the direction of «strategic planning and organizational development».
30 May 2024
Director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the demand for road construction (DST) and special equipment in the Russian ...
Director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the demand for road construction (DST) and special equipment in the Russian market.
20 May 2024
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Vladimir Samohvalov, Director of Practice of SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin and SBS Consulting Consultant ...
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Vladimir Samohvalov, Director of Practice of SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin and SBS Consulting Consultant Vyacheslav Romanychev prepared a publication for RBC, which considers the energy currency as an alternative to a universal means of settlement and savings.
7 May 2024
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the intention of the German chemical BASF to sell the production of paints and varnishes in ...
SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the intention of the German chemical BASF to sell the production of paints and varnishes in Moscow region to a major player in the market of varnishes and paints «Lacra Syntez»: The share of Russian LCM for the automotive industry has recently been growing, but it is difficult to replace some of the imported coatings. This will require about five years of «focused and coordinated work».
30 April 2024
AI-technologies are actively studied by industry players, in particular by Russian developers. Dmitry Babansky, Director of SBS Consulting, and other ...
AI-technologies are actively studied by industry players, in particular by Russian developers. Dmitry Babansky, Director of SBS Consulting, and other experts told Izvestia how digitalization affected the development sphere.
https:/ sferu---Rmenta
25 April 2024
SBS Consulting partner Ilya Zashlyapin estimated the proposed FAS measures to strengthen the mechanism of attracting investments in housing and ...
SBS Consulting partner Ilya Zashlyapin estimated the proposed FAS measures to strengthen the mechanism of attracting investments in housing and communal services:
«... Yes, this makes large-scale investments more attractive. In addition, it is possible to increase attractiveness by providing the allowance from the federal level to provide more protection. This practice is applied in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which gives greater protection to investors when investing in municipal infrastructure».
22 April 2024
Sales of agricultural machinery grew by 10% in monetary terms in the first quarter. It allows experts to talk about stagnation of the ...
Sales of agricultural machinery grew by 10% in monetary terms in the first quarter. It allows experts to talk about stagnation of the agricultural machinery market. Dmitry Babansky, Director of SBS Consulting, notes that there are no positive changes in the market in terms of purchasing power due to high credit rates.
16 April 2024
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting Director, assessed the purchase of GC «Rosatom» 50% of the company «Sail electro»:
«possible synergy of the ...
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting Director, assessed the purchase of GC «Rosatom» 50% of the company «Sail electro»:
«possible synergy of the new business as with the sales business «Rosatom» (sale of electricity) and with the production of batteries (continuation of the operation of lithium-ion batteries in EZS). EZS production is a promising direction taking into account existing plans for electrification of transport...».
(Read available to registered users)
12 April 2024
Is it possible to accelerate the development of the country? What are the real «potential» growth rates? How far can the economy outperform other ...
Is it possible to accelerate the development of the country? What are the real «potential» growth rates? How far can the economy outperform other countries? Is any pace achievable?
These questions were answered by experts of SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samohvalov, Director of Practice of State Consulting Alexey Kalinin and Consultant Sergey Koroteev in the study «Opportunities and Limits of Growth of the Russian Economy».
11 April 2024
Director of State Consulting SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin assessed regional measures to prevent and combat natural fires.
Director of State Consulting SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin assessed regional measures to prevent and combat natural fires.
11 April 2024
A blog title, a social media post, a product description - many people whose profession is not related to texts have to write them. The neural ...
A blog title, a social media post, a product description - many people whose profession is not related to texts have to write them. The neural networks have simplified the task in many ways. SBS Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and SBS Consulting Analyst Dmitry Karin analyzed six specialized AIs for RBC. tag=SBS%20Consulting&ysclid=lus4yfpve839621178
4 April 2024
Experts continue to discuss what is needed to implement oil and gas projects in the Arctic by 2035. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that ...
Experts continue to discuss what is needed to implement oil and gas projects in the Arctic by 2035. Experts are unanimous in their opinion that Russian shipbuilders need serious state support for the expansion of production capacities, as well as the development of the industry as a whole.
28 March 2024
Partner Sergey Samokhvalov and Project Manager Anton Krupin prepared a study «Trends in the retail market of goods for the home until 2030.»
Partner Sergey Samokhvalov and Project Manager Anton Krupin prepared a study «Trends in the retail market of goods for the home until 2030.»
Technological progress and changes in consumer habits will become the main trends in the market until 2030. The Russian market has developed at a faster pace, the niche of the retired foreign companies is actively redistributed between the old and new participants. To keep pace with current trends, Russian companies should adapt technological and process innovations.
The full study is available at:
25 March 2024
The service center from Kazan introduced a bot, which at the collection of applications became more effective person. The cost of development is 2 ...
The service center from Kazan introduced a bot, which at the collection of applications became more effective person. The cost of development is 2 times lower than the salary of the operator. Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and Research Team Analyst Dmitry Karin told RBC PRO how neuronetworks can help customer services.
22 March 2024
The team of SBS Consulting has prepared new cases for the strategy of differentiation of the FMCG portfolio of the manufacturer and for the assortmen ...
The team of SBS Consulting has prepared new cases for the strategy of differentiation of the FMCG portfolio of the manufacturer and for the assortmen of large retailer change.
4 March 2024
Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and Analyst Research Team Dmitry Kolobov prepared a study on «ESG-digest, 2nd half of 2023. Russia, BRICS ...
Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and Analyst Research Team Dmitry Kolobov prepared a study on «ESG-digest, 2nd half of 2023. Russia, BRICS countries, Kazakhstan».
The study provides a digest of key, according to the authors, news on sustainable development from June 2023 to January 2024. It reflects the most significant ESG-events that took place in Russia, BRICS member states, as well as in Kazakhstan.
Digest is available at:
29 February 2024
Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov, Consultant Vyacheslav Romanychev and Senior Analyst Alyona Krivaksina have prepared a study on «Current ...
Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov, Consultant Vyacheslav Romanychev and Senior Analyst Alyona Krivaksina have prepared a study on «Current Situation and Prospects of Development of Electronic Platforms in Russia». Data collection was carried out by the 3rd year students of the Institute of International Relations of the Institute of MEPhI Anna Polja, Maria Khvezova, Polina Stakhanova and Taisia Batrachenko.
The study considered development scenarios for the main types of electronic platforms: commodity exchanges, electronic trading platforms (ETPs), B2B-marketplaces and online stores, B2C-marketplaces and online stores.
The full study is available at:
14 February 2024
Project Manager Dmitry Babansky and Analyst Research Team Polina Borovitskaya have prepared a study «Prospects of export of Russian technologies for ...
Project Manager Dmitry Babansky and Analyst Research Team Polina Borovitskaya have prepared a study «Prospects of export of Russian technologies for hydrogen energy».
The authors analyzed the global hydrogen energy market and assessed the competitiveness of Russian products.
See the full study here:
9 February 2024
The franchisee of Dodo Pizza from Sergiev Posad has created a voice bot for calls using the Aimylogic constructor. With his help, we managed to ...
The franchisee of Dodo Pizza from Sergiev Posad has created a voice bot for calls using the Aimylogic constructor. With his help, we managed to return 5 thousand customers. SBC Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and SBS Consulting Research Team Analyst Dmitry Karin talk about five more successful cases involving neural networks in a column on RBC PRO.
23 January 2024
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the proposal of the Association for the Development of Technologies and Energy ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the proposal of the Association for the Development of Technologies and Energy Storage Systems (ARTSNE) to expand support measures for domestic manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries.
23 January 2024
The SBS Consulting team, consisting of SBS Consulting Project Managers Kristina Yakovleva and Alyona Khayretdinova, as well as Research Team ...
The SBS Consulting team, consisting of SBS Consulting Project Managers Kristina Yakovleva and Alyona Khayretdinova, as well as Research Team analysts, prepared a study on approaches to describing the company's business model. In the study, the team talked about the universal approach to describing the business model of the 5M company, which was developed by SBS Consulting.
22 January 2024
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a project case for a large retailer in the FMCG market. During the project, it was necessary to form a CVP for ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a project case for a large retailer in the FMCG market. During the project, it was necessary to form a CVP for the company's online channel in Moscow and the Moscow region in order to achieve a leading position in the market.
22 January 2024
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a project case for a large retailer in the FMCG market. During the project, it was necessary to update the ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a project case for a large retailer in the FMCG market. During the project, it was necessary to update the company's development program for the period up to 2027.
15 January 2024
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, told Delovoy Peterburg about the state of import substitution in the electric vehicle charging ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, told Delovoy Peterburg about the state of import substitution in the electric vehicle charging stations industry.
"The production of equipment for EHS is now an actively developing segment represented by various players. ABB and Schneider have high-tech solutions (for example, in terms of inverters), which are difficult to compete with at the current stage in terms of technical characteristics. However, the localization level of some manufacturers is higher than the "screwdriver assembly".

More detailed:
15 January 2024
An article by SBS Consulting consultant Sergey Korotev "Global trends and their impact on the meat industry" has been published.

An article by SBS Consulting consultant Sergey Korotev "Global trends and their impact on the meat industry" has been published.

More detailed:
14 December 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the changes in the Russian automotive market for RBC.
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the changes in the Russian automotive market for RBC.

4 December 2023
RBC PRO published an article by Evgeny Ivkin (Associate Partner of SBS Consulting, founder of the Institute of Qualified Borrowers) on the ...
RBC PRO published an article by Evgeny Ivkin (Associate Partner of SBS Consulting, founder of the Institute of Qualified Borrowers) on the problems of scoring models of corporate borrowers.
Banks use scoring to try to understand the business model of companies, but they often make mistakes. 25 questions will help banks to conduct an initial business assessment correctly:

1) Is what you see a competitive business?
2) What does the company earn from?
3) How much personal funds has the owner invested in the business?
4) What kind of person is the owner?
5) Does the shareholder have acquired competencies in the right field over the years?
6) What is the average EBITDA margin in the segment?
7) What distinguishes the borrower company from its competitors?
8) Did the company grow gradually or dramatically?
9) What are the nuances of the company's financial model and business plan?
10) Where has the company already taken the money, what amounts, for what time and at what rates?
11) What is the company's Debt/EBITDA ratio and how has its debt changed?
12) Maybe there was a business, but it's all gone?
13) Is the borrower's niche empty, filled, or quickly filling?
14) What insurmountable limitations does a business have?
15) Is the shareholder trying to involve you in projects that are needed so that his main business does not die?
16) Has the borrower done in the past what he is proposing to do now?
17) Does the company keep up with the market?
18) Where does the borrower get the money for this business?
19) If the revenue, EBITDA, and net profit of the business are higher than the market, then why?
20) What is the area of special competence of the business owner?
21) Is the business built only on loan money?
22) What is the percentage of return on invested money, your own and borrowed (ROE, ROIC)?
23) How much does the business actually cost?
24) How interested is the borrower in doing this business?
25) Does the borrower replace his invested funds with credit?

More detailed:
27 November 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the process and consequences of the sale of American Caterpillar assets in ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the process and consequences of the sale of American Caterpillar assets in Russia.
More detailed:
8 November 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Analysis of the economies of the BRICS countries and their cooperation with Russia in terms of ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Analysis of the economies of the BRICS countries and their cooperation with Russia in terms of international trade."
The study can be found in the section "Research and Analytics":
8 November 2023
SBS Consulting, together with the National Consulting Alliance, is a strategic partner of the V International BRICS+ Municipal Forum in 2023.
SBS Consulting, together with the National Consulting Alliance, is a strategic partner of the V International BRICS+ Municipal Forum in 2023.
Especially for the event, the SBS Consulting team systematized the projects proposed for implementation in the BRICS+ countries based on the Russian experience:
19 October 2023
An article by Alexey Kalinin, Director of the SBS Consulting Public Consulting Practice, "Using the principle of client-centricity in public ...
An article by Alexey Kalinin, Director of the SBS Consulting Public Consulting Practice, "Using the principle of client-centricity in public administration: the implementation agenda" has been published.
Learn more: .
18 October 2023
Associate Partner of SBS Consulting Alexander Fomin took part in the round table of the III International Construction Championship ...
Associate Partner of SBS Consulting Alexander Fomin took part in the round table of the III International Construction Championship "Construction Management in Russia: practice and main challenges".
More details: /.
11 October 2023
The HR Director magazine published an article by SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova on the topic "HR trends — 2024. What to take into ...
The HR Director magazine published an article by SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova on the topic "HR trends — 2024. What to take into account in the work so as not to lose in the selection, retention of talents and motivation of employees."
More detailed:
11 October 2023
Alexander Fomin, an associate partner of SBS Consulting, told the General Director magazine how to reduce costs for a construction company at ...
Alexander Fomin, an associate partner of SBS Consulting, told the General Director magazine how to reduce costs for a construction company at present:
"One of the most effective ways to reduce costs during construction is careful work at the preparatory stage of work – competent implementation of all necessary procedures significantly affects the timing of the project, and as a result – its final cost".
The full version of the material can be found on the publication's website: /.
10 October 2023
SBS Consulting consultant Sergey Koroteev took part in the round table "What has been, what will be, the main trends" as part of the ...
SBS Consulting consultant Sergey Koroteev took part in the round table "What has been, what will be, the main trends" as part of the business program of the Agroprodmash – 2023 exhibition. The topic of the presentation was the results of the study "The main global trends by 2050". More detailed:
10 October 2023
On the eve of the "Russian Energy Week", which will be held on October 11-13, 2023, the SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "The ...
On the eve of the "Russian Energy Week", which will be held on October 11-13, 2023, the SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "The development of renewable energy in Russia:
what is the benefit of China's experience".
This study includes an analysis of the composition of electricity generation capacities from renewable sources, as well as the volume of relevant investments in China and Russia. Moreover, the assessment of the potential of adaptation of advanced Chinese technologies in Russia in connection with the prospect of achieving "network parity" is given.
More information about the study can be found on the website in the section "Research and Analytics".
9 October 2023
A third of HR department specialists are already actively using neural networks, and another third are ready to start doing it. Anastasia ...
A third of HR department specialists are already actively using neural networks, and another third are ready to start doing it. Anastasia Serogodskaya, a consultant at SBS Consulting, tells what tasks HR department employees can shift to neural networks in the article "How to use neural networks in HR - ready requests for specialists".
More detailed:
22 September 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, answered Forbes questions about the use of drones in agriculture: what opportunities do unmanned ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, answered Forbes questions about the use of drones in agriculture: what opportunities do unmanned aerial vehicles give to farmers? which of them can be called unique (which tasks are impossible/extremely difficult to implement without drones)? how can the benefits of using drones be assessed? in which regions, which companies are actively being implemented? how can the benefits of using agrodrons be assessed? how is the regulation of the use of drones happening now? what problems do farmers have and what ways to solve them are there?
More detailed:
21 September 2023
The SBS Consulting team is pleased to present the results of the second iteration of the research of regional initiatives in the field of sustainable ...
The SBS Consulting team is pleased to present the results of the second iteration of the research of regional initiatives in the field of sustainable development - "ESG-the agenda of the regions of Russia".
Short summary:
Although in most regions there is still no key document defining long-term sustainable development goals - the ESG transformation strategy - the involvement of subjects in the agenda, as the study shows, is higher than one might assume at first glance. From region to region, a whole range of measures are being taken to preserve the environment and reduce anthropogenic impact, ensure inclusive social practices and improve the quality of public administration.
For more information, the study is presented in the section "Research and Analytics".
20 September 2023
The SBS Consulting Analytical Center continues to study how neural networks can be useful in various fields of companies' activities.
SBS ...
The SBS Consulting Analytical Center continues to study how neural networks can be useful in various fields of companies' activities.
SBS Consulting project manager and RT analyst Alexander Nizovtsev told RBC PRO about the top 5 neural networks that can become the main "assistants" of marketers.
18 September 2023
The SBS Consulting team has published the results of the study "ESG Digest, 1st half of 2023". We introduce you to the ESG digest in the ...
The SBS Consulting team has published the results of the study "ESG Digest, 1st half of 2023". We introduce you to the ESG digest in the section "Research and Analytics".
14 September 2023
The Director of the SBS Consulting practice of state consulting Aleksey Kalinin answered the Izvestia edition to the question whether it is possible ...
The Director of the SBS Consulting practice of state consulting Aleksey Kalinin answered the Izvestia edition to the question whether it is possible to make the entire Far East a free economic zone.
Key theses:
"The transformation of the Far Eastern Federal District into a giant offshore may alienate these territories from the European part of the country," the economist fears. — Rather, it is necessary to consider the Far East as a testing ground for working out favorable economic regimes, economic regulation, state policy with the mandatory dissemination of proven effective measures to the whole of Russia. This actually requires the legislative formalization of the regimes of economic and regulatory experiments. Some new regime, different from today's SEZ, SEZ and other instruments."
Read More:
13 September 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Major global trends: what awaits us by 2050". The study can be found in the section ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Major global trends: what awaits us by 2050". The study can be found in the section "Research and Analytics".
28 August 2023
SBS Consulting experts consultant Anastasia Serogodskaya and Research Team analyst Dmitry Karin have prepared an article "Botology: where to ...
SBS Consulting experts consultant Anastasia Serogodskaya and Research Team analyst Dmitry Karin have prepared an article "Botology: where to construct a chatbot and how much it will cost" for the author's column SBS Consulting on RBC PRO. The article is devoted to the benefits of chatbots for business.
More detailed:
24 August 2023
SBS Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and Research Team analyst Dmitry Karin prepared an article "How to summarize any information ...
SBS Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva and Research Team analyst Dmitry Karin prepared an article "How to summarize any information in less than 60 seconds" for the SBS Consulting author's column on RBC PRO about the benefits of using neural networks in the work of not only consultants.
More detailed:
22 August 2023
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director at SBS Consulting, took part in the preparation of the Career Trajectories in HR training course for the Aktion ...
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director at SBS Consulting, took part in the preparation of the Career Trajectories in HR training course for the Aktion Students platform. The course is prepared in the format of a series of video lectures. One lecture is introductory about SBS Consulting and the activities to attract candidates, in other lectures you can get acquainted with the special offers of SBS Consulting, for example, diagnostics of company management.
More detailed:
11 August 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the transfer of the Johnson Matthey catalyst manufacturer plant to the ownership of ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the transfer of the Johnson Matthey catalyst manufacturer plant to the ownership of Russian top managers.
More detailed:
11 August 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case based on the results of the project "Development of a franchising strategy for a grocery ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case based on the results of the project "Development of a franchising strategy for a grocery retailer".
1 August 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the growth of the domestic agricultural machinery market by 8.7% in monetary ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the growth of the domestic agricultural machinery market by 8.7% in monetary terms at the end of the half-year.
21 July 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the growth trends in sales and production of road construction (DST) and ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the growth trends in sales and production of road construction (DST) and special equipment in Russia. Equipment from China is highly competitive with Russian players, which causes dissatisfaction with domestic manufacturers. Rosspetsmash offers to significantly increase the scrap collection for special equipment in exchange for guarantees of release from local manufacturers.
18 July 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case study «Development of a program for the modernization of production assets in the context of stricter ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case study «Development of a program for the modernization of production assets in the context of stricter environmental legislation».
18 July 2023
Dmitry Babansky, project manager at SBS Consulting, notes that we are talking about hybrids of previous generations, for example, Toyota Prius, ...
Руководитель проектов SBS Consulting Дмитрий Бабанский отмечает, что речь идет о гибридах предыдущих поколений, например Toyota Prius, популярных на Дальнем Востоке и в Сибири. По его мнению, популярность таких машин и электромобилей связана с их ценой, стоимостью владения и интересом жителей Дальнего Востока к трендам, которые уже обрели популярность в Японии. В случае введения ограничений на их поставки покупатели могут переориентироваться на ДВС или машины из Китая.
17 July 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study on macroeconomic trends.
In 2022, the Russian economy faced an unprecedented number of sanctions ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study on macroeconomic trends.
In 2022, the Russian economy faced an unprecedented number of sanctions and significant economic uncertainty. These factors had a negative impact on Russia's macroeconomic indicators, but in general, the external economic environment turned out to be favorable for the country.
Thanks to the prompt actions of the Central Bank and the Government of the Russian Federation, it was possible to stabilize the exchange rate and inflation in 2022. The rate of decline in GDP in 2022 was less than the rate of decline during other crises, and inflation was the highest in 8 years. The unemployment rate and the level of industrial production did not show the expected changes.
You can learn more about SBS Consulting's research in the "Research and Analytics" section of the website.
14 July 2023
In "Economic Issues" there was an article by Alexey Kalinin, Director of the SBS Consulting state Consulting practice, about Russia's ...
In "Economic Issues" there was an article by Alexey Kalinin, Director of the SBS Consulting state Consulting practice, about Russia's membership in the WTO. The article discusses some of the consequences of Russia's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). If there was a broad discussion about its benefits and costs during the WTO accession negotiations and in the first years after the accession, then in the future the actual consequences were almost not discussed. The paper assesses to what extent the expectations of our country's accession to the WTO have come true in relation to the volume of trade flows. Based on the analysis of panel data on world trade for 2000-2019 (an econometric model based on the gravity model of foreign trade), it was found that WTO accession ultimately turned out to be positive for Russian foreign trade, but this effect was offset by the growth of political tensions since 2014. The most obvious positive economic consequences of WTO accession for exporters of goods low repartitions. The criticism of participation in the WTO by machine builders is fair: although they are among the beneficiaries, the effects on exports and imports are comparable.
10 July 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, assessed the reasons for the growing demand for new trucks on the Russian market.
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, assessed the reasons for the growing demand for new trucks on the Russian market.
6 July 2023
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director at SBS Consulting, told HR Director magazine about the role of HR in the development of the ESG concept in the company.
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director at SBS Consulting, told HR Director magazine about the role of HR in the development of the ESG concept in the company.
30 June 2023
According to Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, the growth of DST leasing will continue for another "year and a half".
According to Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, the growth of DST leasing will continue for another "year and a half".
19 June 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, assessed the increase in the budget of the state program by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, assessed the increase in the budget of the state program by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia in order to provide discounts on agricultural machinery that was not originally included in the program.
15 June 2023
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director at SBS Consulting, shared the company's life hacks for planning vacation schedules, which help to maintain ...
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director at SBS Consulting, shared the company's life hacks for planning vacation schedules, which help to maintain productivity at any time.
14 June 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the application of Renera (part of Rosatom) for a special investment ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the application of Renera (part of Rosatom) for a special investment contract (SPIC) for the production of lithium-ion batteries at a gigafactory in Kaliningrad.
7 June 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, highlighted the drivers of the active recovery of the truck market. The main drivers of demand ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, highlighted the drivers of the active recovery of the truck market. The main drivers of demand are construction and logistics.
29 May 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the reasons for the reduction in purchases of agricultural machinery.
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the reasons for the reduction in purchases of agricultural machinery.
22 May 2023
Victoria Suknovalova, Head of Marketing at SBS Consulting, together with other experts, assessed the prospects for the rebranding of Henkel Rus.
Victoria Suknovalova, Head of Marketing at SBS Consulting, together with other experts, assessed the prospects for the rebranding of Henkel Rus.
22 May 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Analysis of the economies of the BRICS countries and their cooperation with Russia in terms of ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Analysis of the economies of the BRICS countries and their cooperation with Russia in terms of international trade."
18 May 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation with Rosatom's consolidation of the Korean lithium-ion battery ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation with Rosatom's consolidation of the Korean lithium-ion battery developer Enertech International.
16 May 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, told Vedomosti about the reasons for the decline in sales of road and special equipment in Russia.
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, told Vedomosti about the reasons for the decline in sales of road and special equipment in Russia.
10 May 2023
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Assessment of the maturity level of startup ecosystems of Russian and foreign universities".
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "Assessment of the maturity level of startup ecosystems of Russian and foreign universities".
1 May 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the drop in sales of domestic agricultural machinery in the first quarter by almost ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the drop in sales of domestic agricultural machinery in the first quarter by almost 8% in monetary terms. Dmitry notes that the agricultural machinery market is an indicator of how farmers feel, what problems they face (rising prices for consumables and difficulties with the purchase of seeds).
27 April 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the announced by Rosatom structures (Renera and Rusatom RDS) competition for ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the announced by Rosatom structures (Renera and Rusatom RDS) competition for the development of power systems for the Atom electric vehicle. Dmitry notes that China is implementing a number of programs for the development of R&D centers, including for foreign companies, and in addition, the country has accumulated competencies in the automotive industry. The fact that Rosatom's structures are integrated into the development of an electric vehicle power plant may indicate their interest in becoming a comprehensive supplier of a battery, a temperature control system and an engine.
26 April 2023
The article by Alexey Kalinin, Director of the State Consulting Practice, “Reduction of foreign presence in the Russian manufacturing industry: ...
The article by Alexey Kalinin, Director of the State Consulting Practice, “Reduction of foreign presence in the Russian manufacturing industry: results of 2022 and near-term prospects” has been published.
25 April 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, believes that the production of domestic DST has increased due to a number of factors. ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, believes that the production of domestic DST has increased due to a number of factors. "These are the activation of road construction, the devaluation of the ruble, the adaptation of Russian manufacturers to new chains and state support measures." Dmitry believes that if current conditions continue, growth will continue.
16 April 2023
Dmitry Babansky, project manager at SBS Consulting, believes that the plans for assembling 2 thousand cars (Almaz-Anteya truck) per year in ...
Dmitry Babansky, project manager at SBS Consulting, believes that the plans for assembling 2 thousand cars (Almaz-Anteya truck) per year in manual mode are realistic. However, such a volume of production can negatively affect the economy of the project and the competitiveness of products. The choice of a plant in St. Petersburg for a new project may be due to the high workload of other sites.
14 April 2023
The article of the HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova about the professional path in the HR sphere has been published.
The article of the HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova about the professional path in the HR sphere has been published.
13 April 2023
An article by SBS Consulting consultant Yaroslav Kuznetsov was published "You can't figure out how to automate – do it with "pens" ...
An article by SBS Consulting consultant Yaroslav Kuznetsov was published "You can't figure out how to automate – do it with "pens" for the career portal of the Financial University.
28 March 2023
Senior Consultant of SBS Consulting Nil Leontiev commented on the situation with the growth of cargo traffic from Southwest Asia and the Middle East ...
Senior Consultant of SBS Consulting Nil Leontiev commented on the situation with the growth of cargo traffic from Southwest Asia and the Middle East and the high load on Russian ports.

Nil notes that the share of the Caspian basin has «historically been insignificant» and amounted to about 1% of the total volume of all basins. «In 2022, the transshipment of dry cargo in the ports of the basin amounted to 3.2 million tons (the basis is the export–import of bulk and general cargo) and 2.8 million tons of bulk cargo (mainly transit)», «the total volume of cargo transportation along the route at the level of 25 million tons by 2030, of which about half are containers.»

27 March 2023
According to the estimates of Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, in the long term 2025, the growth rate of sea cargo ...
According to the estimates of Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, in the long term 2025, the growth rate of sea cargo transportation will be 0.9%. The main drivers of growth, according to the expert, will be bulk cargo. Babansky points out that the new transport corridors are "unlikely to have a significant impact" in the future until 2025, since their development is hindered by a number of factors. "For the NSR – the high cost of icebreaking wiring, for the North–South MTK – infrastructure restrictions, primarily on the side of Iran," the expert explains.
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, expects a decrease in the harvest and a drop in prices, which will lead to a deterioration in the financial condition of farmers. Dmitry clarifies that the prices of the necessary materials (plant protection products, seeds, etc.) they have not decreased to the levels of 2021, the cost of equipment is growing, so they will buy components for the repair of the current fleet, and not new cars.
23 March 2023
Project manager of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the intentions of the new owner of the former Mercedes-Benz plant in the Moscow region ...
Project manager of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the intentions of the new owner of the former Mercedes-Benz plant in the Moscow region of the Avtodom dealer to launch the production of Chinese premium cars.
20 March 2023
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director of SBS Consulting, shared with the publication HR-wisdom the features of building a system for developing the ...
Anastasia Usanova, HR Director of SBS Consulting, shared with the publication HR-wisdom the features of building a system for developing the competencies of SBS Consulting employees.
13 March 2023
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the proposal of the Association "Spetsavtoprom" to increase the rates ...
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the proposal of the Association "Spetsavtoprom" to increase the rates of the recycling fee for dump trucks. According to Dmitry, "the situation of Russian manufacturers has worsened due to the "aggressive expansion" of Chinese dump trucks, which have become the main beneficiaries of the growth of the Russian market."
10 March 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, notes that the domestic fleet of electric vehicles is not growing as fast as the number of gas ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, notes that the domestic fleet of electric vehicles is not growing as fast as the number of gas stations. Such a situation may require further state support in the long term.
3 March 2023
The article of the HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova "The strongest recruitment strategy. The case of SBS Consulting, a company ...
The article of the HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova "The strongest recruitment strategy. The case of SBS Consulting, a company that overcame the personnel hunger by attracting students." In the article, Anastasia told how to interest young applicants in her company, how to increase the recruitment funnel to the level of the country, how to quickly form a personnel reserve for starting positions, how to strengthen the HRD advertising campaign of the project.
3 March 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, believes that the maintenance of the existing fleet will be carried out by parallel import. ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, believes that the maintenance of the existing fleet will be carried out by parallel import. "Historically, the main components were imported from unfriendly countries, and Russian manufacturers will need time to scale production."
2 March 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, attributes a 3% reduction in the output and sales of Russian factories in 2022 to changes in ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, attributes a 3% reduction in the output and sales of Russian factories in 2022 to changes in business activity in 2022.
1 March 2023
Anton Krupin, Senior Consultant at SBS Consulting, assessed the consequences of transferring construction to Norebo's own shipyard. Anton ...
Anton Krupin, Senior Consultant at SBS Consulting, assessed the consequences of transferring construction to Norebo's own shipyard. Anton believes that there may be risks of postponing delivery dates and increasing the cost. There may also be difficulties with the differences in the IT infrastructure used by the design bureau and the shipyard.
21 February 2023
The Project Manager of SBS Consulting assessed the situation on the truck market: "...the truck market grew by 9% in January and Chinese ...
The Project Manager of SBS Consulting assessed the situation on the truck market: "...the truck market grew by 9% in January and Chinese brands are aggressively increasing their share in it."
20 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on Rosatom's proposal to allocate subsidies to automakers to cover part of the ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on Rosatom's proposal to allocate subsidies to automakers to cover part of the costs of buying Russian traction batteries.

"The expert agrees that subsidizing the cost of batteries will speed up the electrification of transport, but in parallel it is necessary to stimulate R&D for the development of materials production."
15 February 2023
Anton Krupin, Senior Consultant at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation with the introduction of new requirements based on the results of crab ...
Anton Krupin, Senior Consultant at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation with the introduction of new requirements based on the results of crab auctions as part of the second stage of the keel quotas program. Enterprises in the Far East will actually be deprived of the opportunity to build infrastructure facilities in ports due to new requirements.
15 February 2023
The article of the HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova was published in the magazine "HR Director". (No. 2, 2023).
The article of the HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova was published in the magazine "HR Director". (No. 2, 2023).
14 February 2023
"In segments such as excavators, where imports have traditionally taken the leading share, the supply of alternative suppliers will grow," ...
"In segments such as excavators, where imports have traditionally taken the leading share, the supply of alternative suppliers will grow," says Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting. "We are talking about both the products of domestic players and imports from China and Turkey, as well as parallel imports. The last channel may become one of the factors of market recovery. From the point of view of demand for equipment, the mining and construction sectors are quite stable, and the latter is strongly supported by the state. At the same time, there are fears of a further drop in demand from logistics companies and a reduction in sales, for example, of telescopic loaders. In 2022, according to the AEB, since July their shipments were piece-by-piece, and by the end of the year they decreased by 53% (226 pieces)."
14 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, explained the reasons for the decline in sales of special equipment in Russia. Dmitry singled out ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, explained the reasons for the decline in sales of special equipment in Russia. Dmitry singled out the price increase in 2022 and the departure of key suppliers as the main reason for the decline in DST sales.
13 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the possibility of allocating an additional subsidy in the amount of 10 billion ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the possibility of allocating an additional subsidy in the amount of 10 billion rubles to manufacturers of trailed vehicles.
10 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, notes that in 2023 one of the tasks in the development of the electric car segment may be to ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, notes that in 2023 one of the tasks in the development of the electric car segment may be to correct the imbalance between
the production of electric vehicles in Russia (in 2023 it will grow more than 2 times faster than the government planned) and the installation of fast charging stations.
8 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the receipt by Rosatom and Norilsk Nickel of a license to develop the country's ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on the receipt by Rosatom and Norilsk Nickel of a license to develop the country's largest Kolmozersk lithium deposit in the Murmansk Region for 1.56 billion rubles. Dmitry estimates that about 360 tons of lithium carbonate per year will be required for the needs of the Rosatom gigafactory.
6 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, SBC Consulting project manager, noted in 2022 a trend in the purchase of spare parts for agricultural machinery, including on ...
Dmitry Babansky, SBC Consulting project manager, noted in 2022 a trend in the purchase of spare parts for agricultural machinery, including on marketplaces among small and medium-sized farms.
6 February 2023
A few days ago, a methodology was approved for assessing the level of compliance with the principles and standards of client-centricity within the ...
A few days ago, a methodology was approved for assessing the level of compliance with the principles and standards of client-centricity within the framework of the federal project "The State for People". SBS Consulting (under the leadership of Vladimir Samokhvalov and Alexander Tarasevich), together with other companies of the National Consulting Alliance O2 Consulting and NISIP, directly participated in the development of the methodology.
1 February 2023
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, noted that keeping the market in money at the level of 2021 is generally a positive result. But, ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, noted that keeping the market in money at the level of 2021 is generally a positive result. But, according to the analyst, the decline in sales of Russian manufacturers in pieces is more symptomatic.
31 January 2023
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, explains the possible reasons for the increase in the unit cost of construction of the ...
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, explains the possible reasons for the increase in the unit cost of construction of the Kaliningrad factory by the fact that higher capex costs of the Russian facility may be associated, among other things, with a decrease in availability and an increase in the cost of the necessary advanced equipment for Russian companies, complication of logistics, possible exchange rate shocks.
25 January 2023
HR Director Anastasia Usanova, together with the directors of other leading companies, highlighted the main trends in the labor market.
HR Director Anastasia Usanova, together with the directors of other leading companies, highlighted the main trends in the labor market.
20 January 2023
The market of domestic road construction equipment (DST) has traditionally accelerated by the end of the year, showing an increase of 38% ...
The market of domestic road construction equipment (DST) has traditionally accelerated by the end of the year, showing an increase of 38% in the fourth quarter and 33% by the end of the year in monetary terms. Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, notes that production has already adapted to the new conditions in the fourth quarter.
19 January 2023
The article "Dynamic discounting: mathematical modeling of economic and financial benefits for the buyer and supplier" by Yaroslav ...
The article "Dynamic discounting: mathematical modeling of economic and financial benefits for the buyer and supplier" by Yaroslav Kuznetsov, a consultant at SBS Consulting, was published in the journal "Banking" (No. 1, 2023).
27 December 2022
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case study on the project "Assessment of the development potential of equipment in the environmental ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case study on the project "Assessment of the development potential of equipment in the environmental engineering industry that prevents emissions and discharges of pollutants."
22 December 2022
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on KAMAZ's plans to reduce market sales in 2023 to 40 thousand vehicles in the ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on KAMAZ's plans to reduce market sales in 2023 to 40 thousand vehicles in the heavy truck segment amid the expected market decline.
14 December 2022
The project manager of SBS Consulting commented on Sollers' plans to adjust car sales volumes.
The project manager of SBS Consulting commented on Sollers' plans to adjust car sales volumes.
9 December 2022
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on Rosatom's plans to diversify its business.
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, commented on Rosatom's plans to diversify its business.
8 December 2022
Anastasia Mikheeva, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, highlighted the main trends in retail. "The main innovations could be felt first of all ...
Anastasia Mikheeva, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, highlighted the main trends in retail. "The main innovations could be felt first of all by residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg. Self-service cash desks and Scan&Go scanners have become a familiar and convenient tool for many when shopping," says Anastasia Mikheeva, Project Manager at SBS Consulting. Some chains are testing electronic price tags, which simplifies the operational processes in the store and ensures that the prices of goods are up to date.
5 December 2022
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, expressed his opinion on the revision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia of the ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, expressed his opinion on the revision by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia of the requirements for subsidized charging stations for electric vehicles.
5 December 2022
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "The results of a study of the best ESG practices of Russian regions".
Follow the link ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "The results of a study of the best ESG practices of Russian regions".
Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
2 December 2022
In his Telegram channel Nerd Consulting, the Managing Partner of SBS Consulting spoke about the basics of the spiral dynamics model and how it allows ...
In his Telegram channel Nerd Consulting, the Managing Partner of SBS Consulting spoke about the basics of the spiral dynamics model and how it allows you to manage the transformation process in the organization.
1 December 2022
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study on effective client-centric practices in Russian companies.
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study on effective client-centric practices in Russian companies.
30 November 2022
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the situation with the problem of selling agricultural machinery of foreign ...
Dmitry Babansky, the project manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the situation with the problem of selling agricultural machinery of foreign brands that have left the market in Russia.
30 November 2022
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the news about the plans of the Moscow Government to hold an electronic competition ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, commented on the news about the plans of the Moscow Government to hold an electronic competition for localization of the production of batteries for electric vehicles in the capital within three years.
18 November 2022
SBS Consulting experts comment on a possible increase in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia's scrap collection for heavy trucks. In the ...
SBS Consulting experts comment on a possible increase in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia's scrap collection for heavy trucks. In the falling truck market in the Russian Federation, sales of Chinese equipment are growing rapidly, but it mainly replaces European players who have left the country. At the same time, a strong ruble, analysts say, creates risks for sales of KAMAZ.
11 November 2022
The main trend in the development of the global automotive industry was globalization. As a result, historically, the Russian automotive industry has ...
The main trend in the development of the global automotive industry was globalization. As a result, historically, the Russian automotive industry has also been focused on integration into global supply chains. However, now, against the background of sanctions restrictions and the beginning of withdrawal from the market of foreign companies, the Russian car market will move towards maximum technological independence and localization. In general, this applies not only to Russia — many developing countries with a more or less capacious automotive market will move along the path of technological independence.
10 November 2022
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, assessed the consequences of raising the recycling fee for special equipment in Russia. On the ...
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, assessed the consequences of raising the recycling fee for special equipment in Russia. On the basis of the draft Government resolution developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the increase in scrap collection is planned from January 1, 2023.
8 November 2022
SBS Consulting experts commented on the possible sale of the Bridgestone business in Russia. The experts believe that there will be interest in the ...
SBS Consulting experts commented on the possible sale of the Bridgestone business in Russia. The experts believe that there will be interest in the asset — Bridgestone's loading was less dependent on exports than Nokian Tyres, and a fairly wide range was also produced (for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles, trucks). He notes that, based on the expected value of the Nokian transaction of € 400 million and the company's revenue in Russia, it is possible to estimate the asset at about €200 million.
7 November 2022
SBS Consulting experts assessed the situation on the agricultural machinery market. Sales of domestic agricultural machinery continued to grow in the ...
SBS Consulting experts assessed the situation on the agricultural machinery market. Sales of domestic agricultural machinery continued to grow in the third quarter, showing an increase of 19% in nine months. But market demand has weakened amid low grain prices. Rosspetsmash believes that the market will remain at the level of the third quarter in the fourth quarter, and calls for increasing state support next year. Analysts also agree with this, warning that the increase in operating costs of farmers forces them to postpone the purchase of new equipment, which may lead to an "investment pause".
3 November 2022
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "State policy for the development of universities in 2018-2022". Follow the link to download ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "State policy for the development of universities in 2018-2022". Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
3 November 2022
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "The role of Russian Universities in the innovation cycle".
Follow the link to download ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a study "The role of Russian Universities in the innovation cycle".
Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
31 October 2022
Comments by Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, on the start of construction of a plant for the production of batteries and ...
Comments by Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager of SBS Consulting, on the start of construction of a plant for the production of batteries and lithium–ion cells have been published. The batteries are planned to be used, among other things, to equip domestic electric buses and electric vehicles.
21 October 2022
Domestic manufacturers of road construction equipment (DST) increased sales by 30% in nine months, to 48 billion rubles. At the same ...
Domestic manufacturers of road construction equipment (DST) increased sales by 30% in nine months, to 48 billion rubles. At the same time, Rosspetsmash is dissatisfied with dumping by Chinese companies, offering to raise the scrap collection to protect the market. Other market representatives note that such a measure creates risks for Russian players, although they recognize the growing competition from China.
Dmitry Babansky, Project Manager at SBS Consulting, notes that sales growth in value terms is primarily a consequence of rising prices for materials and components, as well as an increase in the cost of borrowed loans.
13 September 2022
The #Smart_HR online magazine published the experience of organizing corporate training at SBS Consulting, shared by HR Director Anastasia Usanova.
The #Smart_HR online magazine published the experience of organizing corporate training at SBS Consulting, shared by HR Director Anastasia Usanova.
9 September 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study "On the problems of the development of Russian pharmaceuticals in the context of sanctions". ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study "On the problems of the development of Russian pharmaceuticals in the context of sanctions". Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
5 September 2022
SBS Consulting launches a new product "Business Transformation". As part of this project, SBS Consulting will help not only with diagnosing ...
SBS Consulting launches a new product "Business Transformation". As part of this project, SBS Consulting will help not only with diagnosing the company's problems and developing a new development strategy, but will also take a direct part in the implementation of reforms.
1 September 2022
Weichai is certainly an important partner for KamAZ, agrees Alena Khairetdinova, project manager at SBS Consulting. But the Russian manufacturer has ...
Weichai is certainly an important partner for KamAZ, agrees Alena Khairetdinova, project manager at SBS Consulting. But the Russian manufacturer has developments in terms of P6 gas engines, including through partnership with the Chinese.
1 September 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study “How carbon markets work”. On September 1, the so-called “Sakhalin experiment” officially starts - the first ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study “How carbon markets work”. On September 1, the so-called “Sakhalin experiment” officially starts - the first regional emissions trading system in Russia (according to the Federal Law of March 6, 2022 No. 34-FZ). For this event, SBS Consulting experts prepared an analytical material on carbon markets. This study provides a general outline of carbon markets, describes what regulated and voluntary carbon markets are, provides a comparative analysis for the regulated systems of the EU, China and Kazakhstan, and describes the operation of the cap-and-trade system on Sakhalin. Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
25 August 2022
On August 25, in the "Great Hall" of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a meeting "Anti-crisis solutions for the ...
On August 25, in the "Great Hall" of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, a meeting "Anti-crisis solutions for the construction industry" was held in the format of a discussion club, in which SBS Consulting experts took part.
24 August 2022
A case study was added to the site following the results of the project for one of the largest cement producers in Russia. The objectives of the ...
A case study was added to the site following the results of the project for one of the largest cement producers in Russia. The objectives of the project were the rapid deployment of a project management system and support in terms of contracting the general contractor (EPC) as part of the launch of an investment project for the capital construction of a new plant.
23 August 2022
SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky notes that the prospects for the production of K5 generation cars depend precisely on the ability to ...
SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky notes that the prospects for the production of K5 generation cars depend precisely on the ability to search for components and their integration into the car, as well as intellectual rights to the line.
23 August 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared the 2nd part of the study "Evaluation of the impact of sanctions on Russian exports in 2022" taking into ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared the 2nd part of the study "Evaluation of the impact of sanctions on Russian exports in 2022" taking into account the impact of 6 and 7 packages of sanctions.
19 August 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky commented on the need for investments (2.7 trillion rubles) included in the new strategy for ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky commented on the need for investments (2.7 trillion rubles) included in the new strategy for the development of the Russian automotive industry until 2035. Investments are planned to be directed to auto components and R&D.
8 August 2022
According to SBS Consulting expert, project manager Dmitry Babansky, the situation with equipment for metallurgists is deplorable, but with some ...
According to SBS Consulting expert, project manager Dmitry Babansky, the situation with equipment for metallurgists is deplorable, but with some reservations. Thus, there are competitive Russian manufacturers of mining and processing equipment on the domestic market. “For example, mining excavators for open-pit work or load-and-dump machines for mines are produced in Russia,” the expert notes. However, at the stages after ore enrichment, Russian competencies in metallurgy are of a niche nature, he admits.
1 August 2022
The growth rate of sales of Russian agricultural machinery in the spring slowed down significantly, and the segment showed an increase of 21.7% ...
The growth rate of sales of Russian agricultural machinery in the spring slowed down significantly, and the segment showed an increase of 21.7% in the first half of the year in money terms. In general, taking into account foreign equipment, sales in the Russian Federation could fall by 40%.
SBS Consulting experts believe that if the current conditions continue, the domestic market will also shrink by the end of the year, which is associated with an increase in the cost of equipment (expensive loans, supply chain disruptions) and a decrease in the purchasing power of farmers. An increase in the scale of state support aimed at curbing the growth in the cost of equipment for farmers, such as soft loans, leasing, and discounts under the government program 1432, can help correct the situation.
26 July 2022
The ECO magazine (No. 8, 2022) published an article by Vladimir Samokhvalov, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting, and Alexei Kalinin, Director ...
The ECO magazine (No. 8, 2022) published an article by Vladimir Samokhvalov, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting, and Alexei Kalinin, Director of the State Consulting Practice at SBS Consulting, “Strategic Imbalances in Economic Policy”.
21 July 2022
Chinese brands almost replaced European trucks on the Russian market: their share in June reached 31%, and in two weeks of July it even increased ...
Chinese brands almost replaced European trucks on the Russian market: their share in June reached 31%, and in two weeks of July it even increased to 44%, exceeding the volumes of Russian players. SBS Consulting experts believe that by the end of the year, Chinese brands may exceed the share that was recorded by European brands in the heavy truck segment in recent years, including due to a part of the share of Russian manufacturers.
21 July 2022
Sales of Russian road construction equipment (DST) slowed down. SBS Consulting experts believe that the slowdown in the purchase of new ...
Sales of Russian road construction equipment (DST) slowed down. SBS Consulting experts believe that the slowdown in the purchase of new equipment is caused by general uncertainty, high cost of loans (and the expectation of its decline). An example is housing construction, which is now showing signs of slowing down.
20 July 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study “On the problems of SME development in Russia”. Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study “On the problems of SME development in Russia”. Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
19 July 2022
On July 19, 2022, SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov made a presentation on the topic “On the problems of SME development in ...
On July 19, 2022, SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov made a presentation on the topic “On the problems of SME development in Russia”. The experts discussed the growth points of SMEs in the new conditions. Alexey Miroshnichenko (First Deputy Chairman, Member of the Management Board, VEB.RF), Alexander Tokar (Deputy General Director, MSP Corporation JSC) and others also spoke among the experts.
14 July 2022
SBS Consulting experts commented on the situation with the suspension of an ambitious project to produce an electrified SUV based on AUZ Hunter due ...
SBS Consulting experts commented on the situation with the suspension of an ambitious project to produce an electrified SUV based on AUZ Hunter due to sanctions.
6 July 2022
SBS Consulting experts assessed the growth reasons for the increase in the supply of tires for agricultural and special equipment to the Russian ...
SBS Consulting experts assessed the growth reasons for the increase in the supply of tires for agricultural and special equipment to the Russian market from China.
30 June 2022
The Minsk Tractor Plant (MTZ) intends to increase the supply of tractors to Russia by 25%. SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky ...
The Minsk Tractor Plant (MTZ) intends to increase the supply of tractors to Russia by 25%. SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky believes that MTZ, first of all, wants to compensate for the loss of the Ukrainian market through supplies to the Russian Federation. MTZ is the leader of the Russian market of 80–100 hp tractors. with., deliveries are about 17 thousand cars per year. MTZ imported to the Russian Federation both tractors and machine kits. In general, in the segment of small tractors, MTZ can count on an increase in the supply of less powerful equipment, up to 40 hp. With. At the same time, MTZ's plans for expansion are unlikely to affect the interests of Russian manufacturers, since Russian tractors are mainly 200 hp. with. and higher.
28 June 2022
SBS Consulting experts assessed the possible situation with a ban on the import and sale of trailers from "unfriendly countries" in the ...
SBS Consulting experts assessed the possible situation with a ban on the import and sale of trailers from "unfriendly countries" in the Russian Federation and increase the scrap collection on it six times.
24 June 2022
According to the project manager of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky, in Tatarstan, during the implementation of the state program "Development of ...
According to the project manager of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky, in Tatarstan, during the implementation of the state program "Development of charging infrastructure for electric motor transport in the Republic of Tatarstan", the number of electric vehicles will be able to grow to 750-800 units. “World experience shows that the most effective measure to support demand for electric transport is subsidizing,” he said.
23 June 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky commented on the situation with the lack of spare parts for foreign agricultural machinery in Russia, ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky commented on the situation with the lack of spare parts for foreign agricultural machinery in Russia, the share of which in the fleet reaches 30-40%.
20 June 2022
The research of the SBS Consulting team "Prospects for the development of the financial services sector of the Russian Federation" has been ...
The research of the SBS Consulting team "Prospects for the development of the financial services sector of the Russian Federation" has been published.
Follow the link to download the research in Russian.
13 June 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky assessed which categories of special equipment are subject to sanctions. With the introduction of a ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky assessed which categories of special equipment are subject to sanctions. With the introduction of a ban on the export of special equipment from Japan, at least bulldozers of all kinds, excavators and dump trucks fell under the sanctions.
10 June 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared analytics based on the results of the study of the green agenda in China.
The study in Russian can be found in ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared analytics based on the results of the study of the green agenda in China.
The study in Russian can be found in the "Research and Analytics" section.
6 June 2022
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting project manager, discussed with Kommersant the situation on changing charging standards for electric vehicles. Now ...
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting project manager, discussed with Kommersant the situation on changing charging standards for electric vehicles. Now the station must necessarily have only the Chinese GB / T charging standard, and the European CCS and Japanese CHAdeMO are optional. However, all Chinese cars in the Russian Federation have European connectors, market participants say. They believe that due to the closure of exports from the EU, the ministry hopes for the localization of Chinese cars and Asian imports.
2 June 2022
The RBC PRO service has published a column based on the SBS Consulting study “Assessing the impact of sanctions on Russian exports in 2022”, prepared ...
The RBC PRO service has published a column based on the SBS Consulting study “Assessing the impact of sanctions on Russian exports in 2022”, prepared by the team of SBS Consulting Project Manager Kristina Yakovleva.
31 May 2022
The SBS Consulting team posted an analytical note describing the logic of the steps and developed recommendations for regional administrations.
The SBS Consulting team posted an analytical note describing the logic of the steps and developed recommendations for regional administrations.
30 May 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a presentation on the principles of the new economic policy.
The SBS Consulting team prepared a presentation on the principles of the new economic policy.
26 May 2022
SBS Consulting analyst Yaroslav Kuznetsov co-authored the article “Dynamic discounting as an anti-crisis way to increase the manageability of working ...
SBS Consulting analyst Yaroslav Kuznetsov co-authored the article “Dynamic discounting as an anti-crisis way to increase the manageability of working capital of SMEs in Russia” for Bankovskoye delo magazine.
20 May 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky estimated plans to increase the market volume of lithium-ion batteries to 93 billion rubles. in the ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky estimated plans to increase the market volume of lithium-ion batteries to 93 billion rubles. in the Russian Federation by 2030, thanks to the construction of the largest plant of the State Corporation Rosatom for the production of lithium-ion batteries in the Kaliningrad region.
19 May 2022
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting Project Manager, discussed with Izvestia the ongoing negotiations between the Moscow Government, the Russian Ministry ...
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting Project Manager, discussed with Izvestia the ongoing negotiations between the Moscow Government, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and KAMAZ PJSC with automakers from China on the production of cars at a car factory in the capital that was vacated after Renault left.
4 May 2022
Despite the growth of agricultural machinery exports by 30% in January-March, SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky believes that in the ...
Despite the growth of agricultural machinery exports by 30% in January-March, SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky believes that in the near future the direction of exports will be reoriented: “From a strategic point of view, it would be interesting to enter African markets now - Egypt, Nigeria, Tanzania, “And this will require some support from the state: subsidizing logistics, export credits, and so on.”
29 April 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study on corporate strategies. The study reveals the features of corporate strategies of international companies, ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study on corporate strategies. The study reveals the features of corporate strategies of international companies, as well as the specifics of information disclosure about them.
27 April 2022
Manageability is an important indicator of a business, allowing it to maneuver and adapt. The managing partner of SBS Consulting spoke about 25 best ...
Manageability is an important indicator of a business, allowing it to maneuver and adapt. The managing partner of SBS Consulting spoke about 25 best practices for improving manageability.
25 April 2022
SBS Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva commented to the Expert on the relevance of the EU carbon tax for Russian exporters in the face of ...
SBS Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva commented to the Expert on the relevance of the EU carbon tax for Russian exporters in the face of severe Western sanctions.
22 April 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study Key Performance Indicators: Modern Approaches and the ESG Agenda.” Follow the link.
The SBS Consulting team prepared a study Key Performance Indicators: Modern Approaches and the ESG Agenda.” Follow the link.
21 April 2022
SBS Consulting experts explained their expectations of a further reduction in the market for road construction (DST) and special equipment. ...
SBS Consulting experts explained their expectations of a further reduction in the market for road construction (DST) and special equipment. First of all, the reduction is due to the lack of substitution capacity in some segments (for example, large hydraulic excavators for mining).
21 April 2022
SBS Consulting Partner Oleg Sutyrin and Alexey Kalinin, Head of SBS Consulting Government Consulting Practice, identified for RBC PRO the economic ...
SBS Consulting Partner Oleg Sutyrin and Alexey Kalinin, Head of SBS Consulting Government Consulting Practice, identified for RBC PRO the economic sectors most prone to crisis.
14 April 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a case study on the project "Development of recommendations for improving the current management system and ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared a case study on the project "Development of recommendations for improving the current management system and increasing the operational efficiency of processes" for a major player in the office finishing market.
11 April 2022
Vladimir Samokhvalov, managing partner of SBS Consulting, was asked to comment on the situation with the recovery in diesel prices amid increased ...
Vladimir Samokhvalov, managing partner of SBS Consulting, was asked to comment on the situation with the recovery in diesel prices amid increased demand due to the sowing campaign (this prompted the Ministry of Energy to demand that oil companies increase sales on the SPIMEX exchange). According to Vladimir Samokhvalov, managing partner of SBS Consulting, a decrease in refining volumes at refineries in the European part of the Russian Federation and a serious damage to an oil depot in Belgorod led to a one-time increase in demand on the stock exchange, which, against the background of a seasonal increase in demand for diesel fuel, provoked a sharp rise in prices.
7 April 2022
SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky commented to Kommersant on the Russian Ministry of Agriculture's proposal to zero import duties on ...
SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky commented to Kommersant on the Russian Ministry of Agriculture's proposal to zero import duties on agricultural machinery to reduce farmers' costs. The expert believes that it is really worth zeroing import duties on a line that is not produced in Russia.
SBS Consulting Project Manager Anastasia Mikheeva took part among the invited experts in the preparation of the Report on the Development of the ESG Market and the Market for Responsible Finance in Russia from 2018 to early 2022.
1 April 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Anastasia Mikheeva formalized the main ESG standards in the development of the Russian energy sector and energy ...
SBS Consulting project manager Anastasia Mikheeva formalized the main ESG standards in the development of the Russian energy sector and energy companies for Glavny Energetik.
24 March 2022
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case study on the project "Status and Prospects for Increasing Exports of Russian Industrial Products to ...
The SBS Consulting team has prepared a case study on the project "Status and Prospects for Increasing Exports of Russian Industrial Products to African Countries".
18 March 2022
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the development of a temporary reduction in the requirements of the technical regulations on emissions to maintain ...
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the development of a temporary reduction in the requirements of the technical regulations on emissions to maintain the load of production.
17 March 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a case for the project "Expert and analytical assessment of the potential for the development of production of equipment for technical and medical gases and their provision to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation."
14 March 2022
SBS Consulting experts commented for Kommersant on the expediency of reducing the requirements for special equipment: “it is necessary to support not ...
SBS Consulting experts commented for Kommersant on the expediency of reducing the requirements for special equipment: “it is necessary to support not the import of components, but grant support for production and reverse engineering in the Russian Federation.”
11 March 2022
SBS Consulting experts discuss the prospects for the Russian automotive industry in a situation of international isolation.
SBS Consulting experts discuss the prospects for the Russian automotive industry in a situation of international isolation.
9 March 2022
SBS Consulting experts assessed the prospects of the Russian auto giant to withstand the suspension of deliveries of products to the Russian ...
SBS Consulting experts assessed the prospects of the Russian auto giant to withstand the suspension of deliveries of products to the Russian Federation by some foreign manufacturers against the backdrop of EU sanctions.
8 March 2022
The Board of PJSC "Tutaevsky Motor Plant" approved the Strategy of PJSC "TMZ" until 2025. The SBS Consulting team took a direct ...
The Board of PJSC "Tutaevsky Motor Plant" approved the Strategy of PJSC "TMZ" until 2025. The SBS Consulting team took a direct part in the preparation of the Strategy.
The final document can be viewed at the link.
1 March 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky believes that there may be a shortage of raw materials for the production of gasoline cars in the ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky believes that there may be a shortage of raw materials for the production of gasoline cars in the European market. One of the reasons is the limitation of Russian supplies to the world market of platinum group metals.
1 March 2022
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov noted the current investment trends in the Russian market:
“I agree that the shares of ...
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov noted the current investment trends in the Russian market:
“I agree that the shares of many companies are fundamentally overvalued. This, first of all, concerns the hi-tech industry. The reality of the modern economy is such that such companies exist for years with zero profits or losses, investing money in their development in the hope that in the future economies of scale will recoup the previously invested funds. However, any external shock associated either with global economic turmoil or with a reduction in consumer demand could lead to a collapse in the quotations of such companies. And it can happen at any moment."
21 February 2022
Aleksey Kalinin, head of the government consulting practice at SBS Consulting, commented on a possible increase in prices for food products ...
Aleksey Kalinin, head of the government consulting practice at SBS Consulting, commented on a possible increase in prices for food products (according to the Ministry of Agriculture) and the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation on the need to reduce retail chains' markups for socially important goods.
16 February 2022
SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky commented on the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to increase subsidies for ...
SBS Consulting Project Manager Dmitry Babansky commented on the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation to increase subsidies for gas-powered vehicles, which in recent years amounted to 3.3 billion rubles: “In the long term, LNG and CNG should be equalized, but in the short term, LNG will require several larger subsidies.”
15 February 2022
Auto market experts commented on the decision of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economy to subsidize only fast charging stations for ...
Auto market experts commented on the decision of the Ministry of Energy and the Ministry of Economy to subsidize only fast charging stations for electric vehicles with a capacity of 150 kW or more.
11 February 2022
SBS Consulting experts assessed the impact of the introduction of tax incentives on consumer demand for electric vehicles.
SBS Consulting experts assessed the impact of the introduction of tax incentives on consumer demand for electric vehicles.
10 February 2022
SBS Consulting car market experts assessed the desire of big tech companies to produce their own electric vehicles: what are the strengths and ...
SBS Consulting car market experts assessed the desire of big tech companies to produce their own electric vehicles: what are the strengths and weaknesses.
9 February 2022
The SBS Consulting team prepared a case study based on the results of the completion of a project to develop federal standards for government ...
The SBS Consulting team prepared a case study based on the results of the completion of a project to develop federal standards for government interaction with citizens and businesses (“Client-Centric States”).
7 February 2022
SBS Consulting experts have prepared a study "Organizational Structures". The study analyzes the features of the functioning of the main ...
SBS Consulting experts have prepared a study "Organizational Structures". The study analyzes the features of the functioning of the main types of organizational structures on the example of international companies. The SBS Consulting team determined that contrary to popular belief that matrix structures are considered the most progressive and advanced, there are many examples of successful application of functional and divisional organizational structures. The choice of the most effective organizational structure depends on the strategy and mission of the company.
1 February 2022
SBS Consulting experts estimated the reasons for the growth of the Russian agricultural machinery market by 30% in 2021.
SBS Consulting experts estimated the reasons for the growth of the Russian agricultural machinery market by 30% in 2021.
26 January 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky analyzed the prospects for growth in exports of Russian agricultural machinery. The expert pointed out ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky analyzed the prospects for growth in exports of Russian agricultural machinery. The expert pointed out that "the driver of foreign supplies will be equipment for harvesting and tillage."
24 January 2022
Alexei Kalinin, SBS Consulting director of the government consulting practice, assessed the reason for the growth in exports of Russian consumer ...
Alexei Kalinin, SBS Consulting director of the government consulting practice, assessed the reason for the growth in exports of Russian consumer goods.
19 January 2022
Development Director of SBS Consulting Katerina Botvinnik told RBC PRO about the nuances that need to be taken into account when preparing a business ...
Development Director of SBS Consulting Katerina Botvinnik told RBC PRO about the nuances that need to be taken into account when preparing a business plan in order to avoid refusal of financing.
13 January 2022
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky commented on changes in the rules for calculating excise duty for hybrid vehicles in the Russian ...
SBS Consulting project manager Dmitry Babansky commented on changes in the rules for calculating excise duty for hybrid vehicles in the Russian Federation.
20 December 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the purchase by a subsidiary of South Korean Sungwoo Hitech of the industrial site of the former ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the purchase by a subsidiary of South Korean Sungwoo Hitech of the industrial site of the former Ford Sollers plant in Vsevolozhsk
20 December 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the decision of KAMAZ to continue sales increasing, despite the shortage of components in the ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the decision of KAMAZ to continue sales increasing, despite the shortage of components in the automotive industry
15 December 2021
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova commented for the Executive portal on the need for informal meetings in the pandemic reality and spoke ...
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova commented for the Executive portal on the need for informal meetings in the pandemic reality and spoke about the concept of the SBS Consulting New Year party
9 December 2021
The General Director magazine published an article by SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova “How to find a candidate for a key position ...
The General Director magazine published an article by SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova “How to find a candidate for a key position quickly and efficiently”
8 December 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the inclusion of the production of lithium-ion batteries in the list of special investment ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the inclusion of the production of lithium-ion batteries in the list of special investment contracts
7 December 2021
RBC Pro published an article by SBS Consulting Development Director Katerina Botvinnik about the symptoms organizational manageability loss of and ...
RBC Pro published an article by SBS Consulting Development Director Katerina Botvinnik about the symptoms organizational manageability loss of and diagnostics of manageability problems at any stage
6 December 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Gazprom's request to increase subsidies for compressed gas vehicles
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Gazprom's request to increase subsidies for compressed gas vehicles
25 November 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the reasons for the growth of France companies’ business activity in spite of ...
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the reasons for the growth of France companies’ business activity in spite of pandemic restrictions and sanctions
15 November 2021
SBS Consulting was included in the list of consulting companies providing services for large and medium-sized businesses, published on the Rusbase ...
SBS Consulting was included in the list of consulting companies providing services for large and medium-sized businesses, published on the Rusbase information portal
11 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy predicts a decline in the agricultural machinery market in 2022
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy predicts a decline in the agricultural machinery market in 2022
9 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the request from the Association of European Businesses to extend the zero duty on the import of ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the request from the Association of European Businesses to extend the zero duty on the import of electric vehicles after 2021
2 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the rate of compensation for the shortage of semiconductors by import substitution
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the rate of compensation for the shortage of semiconductors by import substitution
2 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the record growth in the volume of exports of Russian agricultural machinery
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the record growth in the volume of exports of Russian agricultural machinery
2 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the dynamics of the road construction and special equipment market in 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the dynamics of the road construction and special equipment market in 2021
2 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the impact of the semiconductor crisis on electronics prices and delivery times
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the impact of the semiconductor crisis on electronics prices and delivery times
2 November 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the growth of exports of Russian agricultural machinery by 50%
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the growth of exports of Russian agricultural machinery by 50%
26 October 2021
SBS Consulting Director of State Consulting Practice Aleksey Kalinin commented on the reasons for the slowdown in the inflow of investment into ...
SBS Consulting Director of State Consulting Practice Aleksey Kalinin commented on the reasons for the slowdown in the inflow of investment into industry
25 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the overview of the Russian passenger car market and prospects for its development in 2021–2027
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the overview of the Russian passenger car market and prospects for its development in 2021–2027
25 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the forecast of the Russian electric vehicle market growth by 2030
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the forecast of the Russian electric vehicle market growth by 2030
19 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the domestic road construction equipment sales growth
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the domestic road construction equipment sales growth
15 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the accelerated introduction of electric vehicles in Russia and difficulties of the automotive ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the accelerated introduction of electric vehicles in Russia and difficulties of the automotive industry in the localization of production
15 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the necessary level of demand for electric vehicles, which will ensure the profitability of their ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the necessary level of demand for electric vehicles, which will ensure the profitability of their production
8 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the initiative to create a single operator of charging stations for electric vehicles in Russia ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the initiative to create a single operator of charging stations for electric vehicles in Russia on the basis of the state holding "Rosseti"
6 October 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the plan to submit a bill to the State Duma to increase the minimum wage to the ...
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the plan to submit a bill to the State Duma to increase the minimum wage to the subsistence level
6 October 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the winter tires cost increase by 25%
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the winter tires cost increase by 25%
30 September 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the the accumulators recycling plant launch
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the the accumulators recycling plant launch
29 September 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Kia and Hyundai electric vehicles for the Russian market launch at the Avtotor plant in the ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Kia and Hyundai electric vehicles for the Russian market launch at the Avtotor plant in the Kaliningrad region
16 September 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the launch of a plant for the production of batteries for electric vehicles
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the launch of a plant for the production of batteries for electric vehicles
15 September 2021
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova in the Strategy magazine spoke about the main HR trends during the pandemic and what new digital systems ...
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova in the Strategy magazine spoke about the main HR trends during the pandemic and what new digital systems came to the aid of HR services

15 September 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the decrease in social contributions to increase the competitiveness of domestic ...
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the decrease in social contributions to increase the competitiveness of domestic products
14 September 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the bridges of the Petersburg Tractor Plant production localization
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the bridges of the Petersburg Tractor Plant production localization
8 September 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the localization of production of agricultural and communal machinery of the "Amkodor" ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the localization of production of agricultural and communal machinery of the "Amkodor" holding in the Leningrad region
2 September 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the preferential terms provision for the electric vehicles purchase by large banks
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the preferential terms provision for the electric vehicles purchase by large banks
26 August 2021
"Izborsk Club: Russian Strategies" magazine published an article by SBS Consulting Associate Partner Arkady Samokhvalov on the topic ...
"Izborsk Club: Russian Strategies" magazine published an article by SBS Consulting Associate Partner Arkady Samokhvalov on the topic "From stagnation to growth"
24 August 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the concept of the development of electric transport in Russia until 2030 approval
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the concept of the development of electric transport in Russia until 2030 approval
23 August 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the expected decline in food inflation
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the expected decline in food inflation
12 August 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the absence of planned budget for subsidizing electric vehicle sales
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the absence of planned budget for subsidizing electric vehicle sales
9 August 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the growth of the agricultural machinery domestic market by 1.5 times in the first half of the ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the growth of the agricultural machinery domestic market by 1.5 times in the first half of the year
9 August 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the readiness of the business for the next lockdown in Russian
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the readiness of the business for the next lockdown in Russian
4 August 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to subsidize 20-25% of the cost of ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the proposal of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to subsidize 20-25% of the cost of purchasing new drilling rigs
3 August 2021
The review «The Russian grinding ball market in 2016-2020 analysis» has been published
The review «The Russian grinding ball market in 2016-2020 analysis» has been published
3 August 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian special equipment market growth in the first half of the year by one and a half times
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian special equipment market growth in the first half of the year by one and a half times
29 July 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the imports growth and dumping by Chinese special equipment manufacturers
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the imports growth and dumping by Chinese special equipment manufacturers
22 July 2021
SBS Consulting Partner Ilya Zashlyapin commented to Expert magazine on the prospects of the project to create small autonomous power plants capable ...
SBS Consulting Partner Ilya Zashlyapin commented to Expert magazine on the prospects of the project to create small autonomous power plants capable of operating on any biofuel
22 July 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the agricultural machinery export growth in the first half of the year by 35%
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the agricultural machinery export growth in the first half of the year by 35%
22 July 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the request from agricultural machinery manufacturers for additional subsidies to the industry
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the request from agricultural machinery manufacturers for additional subsidies to the industry
22 July 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the adaptation of public procurement requirements to the Eurasian Union countries to Russian ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the adaptation of public procurement requirements to the Eurasian Union countries to Russian localization requirements for the automotive industry
19 July 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the bold forecast for Russia's GDP growth of 4% this year
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented on the bold forecast for Russia's GDP growth of 4% this year
14 July 2021
July 2, a meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Development Bank was held, within the framework of which the Bank's new strategy for the period ...
July 2, a meeting of the Council of the Eurasian Development Bank was held, within the framework of which the Bank's new strategy for the period 2022 - 2026 was approved. The bank's new strategy was developed jointly with a team of experts from SBS Consulting
14 July 2021
SBS Consulting expert Konstantin Ruchnov commented on the desire of millennials and buzzers to return back in the office
SBS Consulting expert Konstantin Ruchnov commented on the desire of millennials and buzzers to return back in the office
14 July 2021
"The Economy questions" magazine published the SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin’s article «About ...
"The Economy questions" magazine published the SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin’s article «About entrusting the central bank with tasks to stimulate economic growth»
6 July 2021
The international public magazine "Free Thought" has published an article by SBS Consulting Associate Partner Arkady Samokhvalov on the ...
The international public magazine "Free Thought" has published an article by SBS Consulting Associate Partner Arkady Samokhvalov on the topic "About delusions that are costing more and more"
6 July 2021
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented to the Top Personnel portal on how new IT products affect business efficiency and the ...
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov commented to the Top Personnel portal on how new IT products affect business efficiency and the number of personnel in companies
2 July 2021
SBS Consulting Partner Sergey Samokhvalov commented on the process of implementing digitalization strategies by Russian retailers, named the way for ...
SBS Consulting Partner Sergey Samokhvalov commented on the process of implementing digitalization strategies by Russian retailers, named the way for the further development of the direction and outlined new challenges on the way to digitalization
1 July 2021
The SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin commented on the softening foreign exchange controls for domestic exporters of ...
The SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin commented on the softening foreign exchange controls for domestic exporters of non-resource non-energy exports
1 July 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons for the increase of prices for the entire model range from July by AvtoVAZ and other ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons for the increase of prices for the entire model range from July by AvtoVAZ and other auto producers
30 June 2021
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova told Reputation Moscow magazine in her article about the main methods of evaluating candidates and how ...
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova told Reputation Moscow magazine in her article about the main methods of evaluating candidates and how to make the right choice in finding «The one» for the company, and also commented for what purpose recruiters ask certain questions in interviews
24 June 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the process of implementing the program for the launch of electric vehicles on the Russian market
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the process of implementing the program for the launch of electric vehicles on the Russian market
10 June 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the prospects for the hydrogen cars introduction and their competitiveness in relation to the ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the prospects for the hydrogen cars introduction and their competitiveness in relation to the electric vehicle market
9 June 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the cars export from the Russian Federation increase compared to last year and a simultaneous ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the cars export from the Russian Federation increase compared to last year and a simultaneous decline in shipment indicators relative to the pre-crisis 2019 for passenger cars and trucks
3 June 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to abandon certain planned utilization fees ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the decision of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to abandon certain planned utilization fees for road construction equipment this year
31 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the intention of large IT companies to enter the electric vehicle market and compete with car ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the intention of large IT companies to enter the electric vehicle market and compete with car brands
28 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the SberAutoTech unmanned electric vehicle FLIP prototype presentation and market development ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the SberAutoTech unmanned electric vehicle FLIP prototype presentation and market development prospects
24 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Association of European Businesses’s proposal to extend the zero duty on electric vehicles ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Association of European Businesses’s proposal to extend the zero duty on electric vehicles until 2025 and to receive the same exemption for electric trucks
21 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Eurasian Economic Union decision not to extend the privileges on the electric vehicles import
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Eurasian Economic Union decision not to extend the privileges on the electric vehicles import
19 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the completion of the pilot electric charging infrastructure development in Moscow by Sitronics ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the completion of the pilot electric charging infrastructure development in Moscow by Sitronics company and its plans for deliveries to other regions.
18 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the concept of electric transport in the Russian Federation development, formed by the Ministry ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the concept of electric transport in the Russian Federation development, formed by the Ministry of Economy
11 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian agricultural machinery export growth in the first quarter of the year by 2.2 times
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian agricultural machinery export growth in the first quarter of the year by 2.2 times
5 May 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the idea of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to subsidize the replacement of the Russian mining ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the idea of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to subsidize the replacement of the Russian mining excavator fleet
30 April 2021
The review «The processing industry resistance to crises» has been published
The review «The processing industry resistance to crises» has been published
30 April 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road construction and special equipment sales growth in the first quarter by 26.4%
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road construction and special equipment sales growth in the first quarter by 26.4%
30 April 2021
The review «The processing industry resistance to crises. 2008-2009 and 2020 indicators comparison» has been published
The review «The processing industry resistance to crises. 2008-2009 and 2020 indicators comparison» has been published
28 April 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the possible changes in the utilization rate increasing for special equipment project, which will ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the possible changes in the utilization rate increasing for special equipment project, which will allow to safe the rate unchanged for a number of categories of equipment
9 April 2021
The review «Export potential of Russian products research» has been published
The review «Export potential of Russian products research» has been published
9 April 2021
The review «The prospects for the Russian hydrogen production development analysis» has been published
The review «The prospects for the Russian hydrogen production development analysis» has been published
8 April 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road construction equipment sales increasing in the first quarter of the year
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road construction equipment sales increasing in the first quarter of the year
7 April 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the major truck and semi-trailer manufacturers request from change waste collection fee ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the major truck and semi-trailer manufacturers request from change waste collection fee increasing plans
6 April 2021
«The Scientific Bulletin of the Russian Defense Industrial Complex» published an SBS Consulting expert Arkady Samokhvalov’s article, which presents a ...
«The Scientific Bulletin of the Russian Defense Industrial Complex» published an SBS Consulting expert Arkady Samokhvalov’s article, which presents a retrospective analysis of Russian economic reforms, shows the stages and their characteristic difficulties and problematic issues. Considering the successful experience in the past and the mistakes made at each stage of economic history analysis, the need to change the socio-economic and industrial policy of the state have been defined
31 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the decision of the Government to return the waste collection increasing on agricultural, road ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the decision of the Government to return the waste collection increasing on agricultural, road construction and special equipment project for revision to the Ministry of Industry and Trade
29 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the interruptions in the agricultural machinery removal from factories on the sowing eve
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the interruptions in the agricultural machinery removal from factories on the sowing eve
24 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the KamAZ heavy trucks share growth in the Russian market in 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the KamAZ heavy trucks share growth in the Russian market in 2020
23 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Ford Transit electric van production scheduled for 2022
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Ford Transit electric van production scheduled for 2022
12 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the advice from the Ministry of Industry and Trade to agrarians to purchase mineral fertilizers ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the advice from the Ministry of Industry and Trade to agrarians to purchase mineral fertilizers in advance
9 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Rosatom purchase of 49% South Korean manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Rosatom purchase of 49% South Korean manufacturer of lithium-ion batteries
4 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the "Kamaz" decision about the auto components for tractors development localization
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the "Kamaz" decision about the auto components for tractors development localization
3 March 2021
The Springer Link researcher’s platform had published the SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin and a group of SBS ...
The Springer Link researcher’s platform had published the SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin and a group of SBS experts "Technological Import Dependence of the Russian Economy: An Assessment Using Input–Output Tables» article
3 March 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the "Rosspetsmash" proposal of the introduction of price monitoring for special ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the "Rosspetsmash" proposal of the introduction of price monitoring for special equipment
25 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian cars prospects at Kazakhstan market
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian cars prospects at Kazakhstan market
24 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the launch of serial production of electric trucks and the associated risks

SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the launch of serial production of electric trucks and the associated risks

20 February 2021
SBS Consulting has published the first review of the Research Team “Analysis of the market of plant protection products in Russia in 2015-2020», ...
SBS Consulting has published the first review of the Research Team “Analysis of the market of plant protection products in Russia in 2015-2020», which displays the main conclusions on the current situation and the dynamics of market development.
20 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the a request from machine builders to freeze electricity prices for three years
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the a request from machine builders to freeze electricity prices for three years
16 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Sberbank's acquisition of Yo-engineering, which developed the Russian hybrid Yo-mobile
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Sberbank's acquisition of Yo-engineering, which developed the Russian hybrid Yo-mobile
15 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the share of Russian semi-trailers in the domestic market growth
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the share of Russian semi-trailers in the domestic market growth
12 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Association of European Businesses forecasts for sales of road construction and special ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Association of European Businesses forecasts for sales of road construction and special equipment in the Russian Federation in 2021
9 February 2021
SBS Consulting company created and successfully implemented a distributed analytical center project in 2020. A team of analysts from different cities ...
SBS Consulting company created and successfully implemented a distributed analytical center project in 2020. A team of analysts from different cities and regions of Russia provides high-quality work to create various kinds of analytical materials. The project implementation allows SBS Consulting to offer new marketing research and development of business plans services for small and medium-sized businesses. The company also plans to share the reviews results on the website.
9 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the request of agricultural producers to postpone utilization increase of the equipment for field ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the request of agricultural producers to postpone utilization increase of the equipment for field work
4 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Government readiness to approve the increase of cars, special and agricultural machinery ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Government readiness to approve the increase of cars, special and agricultural machinery waste collection
2 February 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the  agricultural machinery export 30% increase during the last year
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the  agricultural machinery export 30% increase during the last year
29 January 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Ford Sollers company project export potential consisting acquisition of a site from an ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Ford Sollers company project export potential consisting acquisition of a site from an American Ford company for the organization of diesel engines for light commercial Ford Transit production
29 January 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian car market range diversity, caused by the population decline in purchasing power
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian car market range diversity, caused by the population decline in purchasing power
29 January 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road building equipment demand extra growth
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road building equipment demand extra growth
19 January 2021
E-xecutive portal published SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov’s article «How does the consulting industry work in Russia, and when ...
E-xecutive portal published SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov’s article «How does the consulting industry work in Russia, and when is it time to contact a consultant?»
11 January 2021
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the cars  price increasing during the first week of the year
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the cars  price increasing during the first week of the year
29 December 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the price increasing influence on the machine builders
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the price increasing influence on the machine builders
29 December 2020
TASS Russian News Agency published «The isolation policy during the pandemic COVID-19: which strategy are beneficial to the government?». research ...
TASS Russian News Agency published «The isolation policy during the pandemic COVID-19: which strategy are beneficial to the government?». research results review. The article had been prepared by the SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin in collaboration with the other researchers form the New Economic School.
29 December 2020
The New Economic School «The State and municipal government issues» magazine published «The isolation policy during the pandemic COVID-19: which ...
The New Economic School «The State and municipal government issues» magazine published «The isolation policy during the pandemic COVID-19: which strategy are beneficial to the government?» research, which had been written by SBS Consulting Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin in collaboration with the other researchers form the New Economic School.
22 December 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the sales of agricultural machinery good dynamic in 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the sales of agricultural machinery good dynamic in 2020
8 December 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian electric public transport perspectives
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian electric public transport perspectives
13 November 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the influence of the possible Public transport leasing company curator Ministry change on the ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the influence of the possible Public transport leasing company curator Ministry change on the Russian machinery products demand stimulating
3 November 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road building machinery production 8% growth
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road building machinery production 8% growth
23 October 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the Russian agricultural machinery export increase in the third quarter of the year
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the Russian agricultural machinery export increase in the third quarter of the year
22 October 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the road machinery demand increase because of the ruble devaluation
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the road machinery demand increase because of the ruble devaluation
20 October 2020
«The Forecasting problems» magazine №5 2020 published the Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin in collaboration with SBS Consulting ...
«The Forecasting problems» magazine №5 2020 published the Head of Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin in collaboration with SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov scientific studies. The article «The effectiveness of the financial support of the agriculture industry: general assessment and intergovernmental effect» explains the connection between the total budget spent on the agriculture industry and the 2003-2018 year industry dynamic
7 October 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the impact of sanctions on the GAZ Group supplier lost
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the impact of sanctions on the GAZ Group supplier lost
28 August 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the Russian Federation procurement regulation rules ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on  the Russian Federation procurement regulation rules update  impact  on companies from Belarus and Kazakhstan
24 August 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babansky commented on the pandemic impact on the agricultural machinery exports
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babansky commented on the pandemic impact on the agricultural machinery exports
19 August 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Belarusian political situation influence on the Russian agricultural machinery market
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Belarusian political situation influence on the Russian agricultural machinery market
4 August 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the roadbuilding equipment market supply reduction caused by COVID-19 restrictions
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the roadbuilding equipment market supply reduction caused by COVID-19 restrictions
28 July 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the possible Hyundai acquiring General Motors old site in Saint Petersburg consequence
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the possible Hyundai acquiring General Motors old site in Saint Petersburg consequence
20 July 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the agricultural machinery rate of production marked increase during the first half of the year
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the agricultural machinery rate of production marked increase during the first half of the year
8 July 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian automobile market overall situation
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian automobile market overall situation
25 June 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the run of the regional public transport renewal program
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the run of the regional public transport renewal program
17 June 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the mechanical engineers application for long-distance export support increase
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the mechanical engineers application for long-distance export support increase
5 June 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the European Business Association projection deterioration of special equipment segment dynamics ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the European Business Association projection deterioration of special equipment segment dynamics this year
29 May 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Government decision to increase road building and reconstruction financing in advance for ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Government decision to increase road building and reconstruction financing in advance for future periods
25 May 2020
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova gave an interview, as a personnel expert for the «Personnel Management» magazine
SBS Consulting HR Director Anastasia Usanova gave an interview, as a personnel expert for the «Personnel Management» magazine
25 May 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian automobile industry under the crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian automobile industry under the crisis, caused by the COVID-19 pandemic
14 May 2020
SBS Consulting Senior Consultant Alyona Borisova commented on the change management, that now is an essential part of successful projects ...
SBS Consulting Senior Consultant Alyona Borisova commented on the change management, that now is an essential part of successful projects transformation, and identified the key factors of such projects
13 May 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the discrimination conditions, Kazakhstan provided towards Russian import agricultural equipment
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the discrimination conditions, Kazakhstan provided towards Russian import agricultural equipment
7 May 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Rosspetsmash request to start subsidizing discounts for road-construction equipment and ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Rosspetsmash request to start subsidizing discounts for road-construction equipment and components similarly to the agricultural equipment “1432 Program”
28 April 2020
The Head of SBS Consulting Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin commented on the COVID-19 influence on the electrotechnical industries in ...
The Head of SBS Consulting Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin commented on the COVID-19 influence on the electrotechnical industries in Russia and worldwide.
24 April 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road-building and special purpose machinery segment decrease demand possibility
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the road-building and special purpose machinery segment decrease demand possibility
23 April 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the agricultural machinery sector application to kick-start the agricultural machinery and ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the agricultural machinery sector application to kick-start the agricultural machinery and special vehicles demand supporting measures.
16 April 2020
April 15, The Russian Federation President provided a meeting with the Government devoted to the questions of supporting economy, business, nation’s ...
April 15, The Russian Federation President provided a meeting with the Government devoted to the questions of supporting economy, business, nation’s employment and incoming in current hinder the COVID-19 diffusion situation. The anti-crisis measures for different industries, including manufacturing activities, that SBS Consulting experts have had suggested, had been discussed during the meeting.
13 April 2020
April 9, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Michael Mishustin held the Meeting of the State Council working group on industrial policy. The ...
April 9, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Michael Mishustin held the Meeting of the State Council working group on industrial policy. The State supporting measures for economy in current hinder the COVID-19 diffusion situation have been discussed during the meeting. The Developing Strategy for industry based on the SBS Consulting experts research. Our specialists have been involved in the discussion of the document.
9 April 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Association of European Businesses’ request to include automobile components into the list of ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Association of European Businesses’ request to include automobile components into the list of essential goods.
26 March 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the automotive and automotive component export perspectives
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the automotive and automotive component export perspectives
26 March 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Ministry of Industry and Trade decision to resumption of an old subsidy program for special ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Ministry of Industry and Trade decision to resumption of an old subsidy program for special equipment leasing contracts.
26 February 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the European Business Association proposal to increase commercial transport fee for Euro-3 ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the European Business Association proposal to increase commercial transport fee for Euro-3 transport class and lower.
17 February 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the export pre-crisis levels excess on the passenger car market in 2019.
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the export pre-crisis levels excess on the passenger car market in 2019.
17 February 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons of cargo technics twice increasing demand in January 2020.
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons of cargo technics twice increasing demand in January 2020.
14 February 2020
SBS Consulting Partner Evgeny Nekrashevich joined the 27-th International Exhibition for Food, Beverages, Food Raw Materials "Prodexpo ...
SBS Consulting Partner Evgeny Nekrashevich joined the 27-th International Exhibition for Food, Beverages, Food Raw Materials "Prodexpo 2020" business program as a speaker. This year the Exhibition focuses on realizing the Russian companies export potential and developing the Russian geographic brands. Expert opened the “Russian export policies. Realities and opportunities” brainstorming session with the “Conjectures and strategic success criteria of export operations” business case.
13 February 2020
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov and Head of SBS Consulting Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin joined the Meeting of the ...
SBS Consulting Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov and Head of SBS Consulting Public Consulting Department Alexey Kalinin joined the Meeting of the State Council working group on industry. The experts were a part of the initiative creator team, that had been introduced during the meeting.
7 February 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the effect of a devaluation of the Russian agricultural machinery industry market subsidy on the ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the effect of a devaluation of the Russian agricultural machinery industry market subsidy on the export slowdown.
30 January 2020
SBS Consulting expert Yulia Sharygina commented on the Russian situation of providing an incentive to buy and use low-yield green energy equipment.
SBS Consulting expert Yulia Sharygina commented on the Russian situation of providing an incentive to buy and use low-yield green energy equipment.
22 January 2020
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian construction machinery industry and operators market 2019 year reduced demand.
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the Russian construction machinery industry and operators market 2019 year reduced demand.
25 December 2019
SBS Consulting developed a new product “The effective manager calendar 2020”. It consists of the most effective economical production instruments ...
SBS Consulting developed a new product “The effective manager calendar 2020”. It consists of the most effective economical production instruments (Lean и 6 Sigma), that had been created to enhancing the effectiveness of processes. Practical applicability of this tools had been proved to be successful on big government and business projects implemented  by SBS Consulting experts.
26 November 2019
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons for the increase of the Russian car market export.
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons for the increase of the Russian car market export.
26 November 2019
SBS Consulting expert Yulia Sharygina commented on the prospectives of the Russian “green” obligations.
SBS Consulting expert Yulia Sharygina commented on the prospectives of the Russian “green” obligations.
31 October 2019
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the prospects of union Fiat and Peugeot car developers.
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the prospects of union Fiat and Peugeot car developers.
29 October 2019
The SBS Consulting analysis group provided data and commented on the linen market situation.
The SBS Consulting analysis group provided data and commented on the linen market situation.
25 October 2019
SBS Consulting and Organizing Committee of the Competition «Annual Public Awards «Regions - Sustainable Development » signed a cooperation agreement, ...
SBS Consulting and Organizing Committee of the Competition «Annual Public Awards «Regions - Sustainable Development » signed a cooperation agreement, which makes SBS Consulting the official partner of the Committee on providing investment project initiators with consulting support in:

- marketing research;
- financial model projects development;
- supporting projects at any competition stage.
17 October 2019
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons for the decline of the Russian car market.
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babanskiy commented on the reasons for the decline of the Russian car market.
22 August 2019
A detailed article on SBS Consulting corporate culture has been published on the Talented People portal.
A detailed article on SBS Consulting corporate culture has been published on the Talented People portal.
22 August 2019
SBS Consulting experts in public consulting conducted an analysis of the results of the reform of the system and structure of executive authorities ...
SBS Consulting experts in public consulting conducted an analysis of the results of the reform of the system and structure of executive authorities in the Russian Federation.
12 July 2019
On July 12, 2019, the managing partner of SBS Consulting, Vladimir Samokhvalov, took part in an expert discussion on the topic: “Analytics for ...
On July 12, 2019, the managing partner of SBS Consulting, Vladimir Samokhvalov, took part in an expert discussion on the topic: “Analytics for exporters: needs of companies, market opportunities and state support”, organized by the Analytical Center under the Government of the Russian Federation together with the Russian Export Center.
As part of the discussion, modern analytical tools to support exports in Russia, plans for their development and ways to improve them were discussed, and the impact of analytical support on export development was discussed.
8 July 2019
SBS Consulting experts commented on the reasons for the decline of the Russian car market.
SBS Consulting experts commented on the reasons for the decline of the Russian car market.
1 July 2019
Managing partner of SBS Consulting, Vladimir Samokhvalov, presented the results of research and surveys of owners and managers of industrial ...
Managing partner of SBS Consulting, Vladimir Samokhvalov, presented the results of research and surveys of owners and managers of industrial enterprises on the main priorities and actions of the authorities of the Russian Federation to ensure rapid growth of industrial production, formulated the main ideas for transforming state economic policies to ensure sustainable economic growth.
27 June 2019
Vladimir Samokhvalov, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting, Took Part in the Strategic Session of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian ...
Vladimir Samokhvalov, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting, Took Part in the Strategic Session of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation “Main Priorities of the State Financial and Economic Policy”. The subject of discussion at the Strategic Session was the materials prepared by SBS Consulting on the systemic transformation of the state financial and economic policy in order to accelerate the growth of the Russian economy, especially its industrial production.
11 June 2019
Significant changes have occurred in the segment of sales of commercial vehicles. According to the newspaper Kommersant, the reason for the decline ...
Significant changes have occurred in the segment of sales of commercial vehicles. According to the newspaper Kommersant, the reason for the decline in sales was the reduction of state support and negative trends in the economy. Senior Consultant Dmitry Babansky, a specialist in the field of trade at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation in the commercial vehicle market.
6 June 2019
SBS Consulting Partner Evgeny Nekrashevich commented on the reasons for the decline in investment in agriculture. According to Evgeny, “investments ...
SBS Consulting Partner Evgeny Nekrashevich commented on the reasons for the decline in investment in agriculture. According to Evgeny, “investments can grow significantly as soon as banks and state institutes of agricultural development start supporting projects of deep processing (grain, potatoes, flax).”
3 June 2019
SBS Consulting has launched a new product, "Manageability Diagnostics". Diagnostics allows, based on the developed methodology, to assess ...
SBS Consulting has launched a new product, "Manageability Diagnostics". Diagnostics allows, based on the developed methodology, to assess key company management processes in accordance with specially developed criteria as soon as possible. The purpose of diagnosis is a general assessment of the state of the control system and the development of recommendations to increase its effectiveness.
1 June 2019
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the results of the abolition of direct subsidies to agricultural machine builders from January 1, 2020.
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the results of the abolition of direct subsidies to agricultural machine builders from January 1, 2020.
31 May 2019
SBS Consulting has launched an additional service for clients "Corporate Training". Corporate training will be conducted under the three ...
SBS Consulting has launched an additional service for clients "Corporate Training". Corporate training will be conducted under the three programs: Corporate Strategy, Functional Strategies and Strategic Planning Process, Management System, Approaches to Improving its Efficiency and Reducing Costs.
27 May 2019
SBS Consulting shared with RBC.PRO the results of the study “Prospects for the development of organic agriculture in Russia”.
SBS Consulting shared with RBC.PRO the results of the study “Prospects for the development of organic agriculture in Russia”.
22 May 2019
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting Senior Consultant, spoke about the development trends of electric vehicle start-ups in Russia.
Dmitry Babansky, SBS Consulting Senior Consultant, spoke about the development trends of electric vehicle start-ups in Russia.
14 May 2019
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the reasons for the negative trends in the Russian car market.
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the reasons for the negative trends in the Russian car market.
13 May 2019
SBS Consulting experts told RBC. PRO on the development trends in the perfumery and cosmetics industry.
SBS Consulting experts told RBC. PRO on the development trends in the perfumery and cosmetics industry.
9 April 2019
SBS Consulting experts commented on the tightening by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia of the access of foreign manufacturers of tractors ...
SBS Consulting experts commented on the tightening by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia of the access of foreign manufacturers of tractors to state support.
1 April 2019
Career portal for professionals in the field of finance, investment and consulting FinExecutive has published an interview with Vladimir Samokhvalov ...
Career portal for professionals in the field of finance, investment and consulting FinExecutive has published an interview with Vladimir Samokhvalov on developing a business development strategy with the participation of a consulting company.
28 March 2019
SBS Consulting experts provided an opinion on the development trends of the flax industry in Russia.
SBS Consulting experts provided an opinion on the development trends of the flax industry in Russia.
27 March 2019
SBS Consulting senior consultant Dmitry Babansky commented on the signing of a special investment contract (SPIC) between the Government and ...
SBS Consulting senior consultant Dmitry Babansky commented on the signing of a special investment contract (SPIC) between the Government and Volvo Trucks: "... Volvo's production volumes are insufficient to make the project on the creation of automatic transmission production investment attractive, so it requires state support."
21 March 2019
On March 5, 2019, SBS Consulting organized the Business Breakfast of the Leaders of the Perfumery and Cosmetic Industry, which was held at the Ararat ...
On March 5, 2019, SBS Consulting organized the Business Breakfast of the Leaders of the Perfumery and Cosmetic Industry, which was held at the Ararat Park Hyatt Hotel. This is the first event of the industry, allowing in the open format to inform the main enterprises of the perfumery and cosmetic industry of Russia about the initiatives of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and the development of the Action Plan for the development of the industry for 2019-2021. The business breakfast was invited to the leaders of the leading enterprises of the perfumery and cosmetic industry.

Alekhin Alexey Viktorovich, Director of the Department of Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Puchkova Tatyana Valentinovna, Chairman of the Board of RPCA, Boyarov Artur Dmitrievich, Director for Research and Analytics of the Scientific and Technical Non-Profit Partnership "BioTech Technology Platform 2030", Samokhvalov Vladimir Arkadyevich, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting. The business breakfast was moderated by Osmakova Alina Gennadievna, Executive Director of the Scientific and Technical Non-Profit Partnership "BioTech2030 Technology Platform".
21 February 2019
SBS Consulting Director Ekaterina Shipilova and SBS Consulting Senior Consultant Klim Kostyuchenko provided interviews on the specifics of work on ...
SBS Consulting Director Ekaterina Shipilova and SBS Consulting Senior Consultant Klim Kostyuchenko provided interviews on the specifics of work on business process optimization and reengineering projects.
14 February 2019
Director of the State Consulting Practice of SBS Consulting Aleksey Kalinin provided a comment on the introduction by the Ministry of Economic ...
Director of the State Consulting Practice of SBS Consulting Aleksey Kalinin provided a comment on the introduction by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia of a new methodology for assessing the fiscal burden on various sectors of the economy and specific companies.
7 February 2019
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the dynamics of the Russian car market.
SBS Consulting experts evaluated the dynamics of the Russian car market.
1 January 2019
SBS Consulting Senior Consultant Dmitry Babansky assessed the growth rate of sales of commercial vehicles.
SBS Consulting Senior Consultant Dmitry Babansky assessed the growth rate of sales of commercial vehicles.
1 January 2019
SBS Consulting completed a business process reengineering project for the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency”.
SBS Consulting completed a business process reengineering project for the State Corporation “Deposit Insurance Agency”.
20 December 2018
On December 19, Kostroma region. The situation on the strategic development of the jewelry industry in Russia until 2030 was completed. The meeting ...
On December 19, Kostroma region. The situation on the strategic development of the jewelry industry in Russia until 2030 was completed. The meeting was attended by the representatives of the Russian Ministry of Industry and Industry, the Department of Economic Development of Kostroma region, SBS Consulting and the leading jeweler-based production companies.
SBS Consulting experts, at the head of Oleg Sutyrin, highlighted the development strategy for the jewelry industry. During the conference the experts discussed the plan, tools and instruments for the Improvements of Russian market share of the jewelry production in the world performance from 2.1% to 3.5 % by the year 2030.
22 October 2018
A new section “Interviews with Leaders” has been launched on the corporate website of SBS Consulting. The section will contain interviews with ...
A new section “Interviews with Leaders” has been launched on the corporate website of SBS Consulting. The section will contain interviews with Partners and Directors of SBS Consulting for each practice. The section opens with an interview with the Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov.
5 October 2018
Vladimir Samokhvalov, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting, acted as moderator of the Panel Discussion "Gas and Electric Vehicles in Russia: ...
Vladimir Samokhvalov, Managing Partner of SBS Consulting, acted as moderator of the Panel Discussion "Gas and Electric Vehicles in Russia: Possible Paces and Development Strategies", which took place on October 4 during the Russian energy week 2018.
18 September 2018
Project manager Denis Khayretdinov told to RBC about the participation in the volunteer project as an opportunity to develop leadership skills and ...
Project manager Denis Khayretdinov told to RBC about the participation in the volunteer project as an opportunity to develop leadership skills and launch social initiatives. The issue is dedicated to the best volunteer projects in the framework of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies of different companies.
14 September 2018
The Director of state consulting practice, Alexey Kalinin, commented on the possibility of transferring agricultural machinery in Russia to gasoline ...
The Director of state consulting practice, Alexey Kalinin, commented on the possibility of transferring agricultural machinery in Russia to gasoline fuel for Agroinvestor magazine.
13 September 2018
Oleg Sutyrin, SBS Consulting Partner, commented on the state support measures for the Rosatom iron plant by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the ...
Oleg Sutyrin, SBS Consulting Partner, commented on the state support measures for the Rosatom iron plant by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. The proposed measures will allow the machine tool manufacturers to be reoriented to orders from Russian manufacturers.
12 September 2018
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Samohvalov Vladimir took part in the conference "Biotechmed - 2018". The key topic of the conference was ...
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Samohvalov Vladimir took part in the conference "Biotechmed - 2018". The key topic of the conference was the prospects for the development of the pharmaceutical industry until 2035.
10 August 2018
SBS Consulting experts note the preservation of the volume of exports of cars in the first half of 2018 at the level of 2017. By the end of the year, ...
SBS Consulting experts note the preservation of the volume of exports of cars in the first half of 2018 at the level of 2017. By the end of the year, the growth of auto exports (of all types) is forecasted to reach 89-90 thousand units, in monetary terms - from $ 3 billion to $ 3.3 billion.
5 July 2018
Dmitry Babansky, senior consultant in SBS Consulting, explained to Kommersant the reasons for the GAZ Group's strategic decision to sell ...
Dmitry Babansky, senior consultant in SBS Consulting, explained to Kommersant the reasons for the GAZ Group's strategic decision to sell commercial vehicles in Morocco. The market in Morocco is quite attractive, along with the markets of Algeria and Egypt. In case of creating an assembly production, the Group will benefit from the price of logistics supplies.
20 June 2018
SBS Consulting project manager Denis Khayretdinov and SBS Consulting Analyst Maxim Tretyakov prepared an article for the portal "Production ...
SBS Consulting project manager Denis Khayretdinov and SBS Consulting Analyst Maxim Tretyakov prepared an article for the portal "Production Management", which analyzed the development stages of the additive industry in Russia and the measures taken to stimulate the development of the industry.
14 June 2018
14.06.2018, Moscow. Yevgeny Ivkin, founder of Restructuring Business and Vladimir Samokhvalov, managing partner of SBS Consulting, told ...
14.06.2018, Moscow. Yevgeny Ivkin, founder of Restructuring Business and Vladimir Samokhvalov, managing partner of SBS Consulting, told about the launch of a pilot project on a full-scale "non-paper" assessment of numerous credit and investment risks of business hidden behind figures and, in the vast majority of cases, invisible to banks and financial institutions, as well as the development of the Institute of a qualified borrower and its promotion in the financial and legislative environment.
4 June 2018
Experts of SBS Consulting commented on the decline in the agricultural machinery industry. The decline in the industry is due to the lack of clear ...
Experts of SBS Consulting commented on the decline in the agricultural machinery industry. The decline in the industry is due to the lack of clear rules for supporting producers in the agroindustrial complex, and low profitability of grain sales. All this together influences the investment in the industry.
25 May 2018
On the eve of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the project manager of SBS Consulting, Denis Khayretdinov, evaluated for Kommersant ...
On the eve of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the project manager of SBS Consulting, Denis Khayretdinov, evaluated for Kommersant the prospects and advantages of developing project activities in the Arctic for the Russian economy and specifically for St. Petersburg.
14 May 2018
SBS Consulting's senior consultant Dmitry Babansky explained the possible reasons for Chery's launch of the Chery Drive carsharing. According ...
SBS Consulting's senior consultant Dmitry Babansky explained the possible reasons for Chery's launch of the Chery Drive carsharing. According to Dmitry, this project is aimed at attracting the audience's attention to the brand.
11 May 2018
HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova answered for the "HR Director", why it is important for the company to involve internal ...
HR Director of SBS Consulting Anastasia Usanova answered for the "HR Director", why it is important for the company to involve internal experts for the development of trainings, and how to better interact with highly specialized external experts.
28 April 2018
The consultant SBS Consulting Maria Osolodchenko clarified for Vedomosti the situation with the ...
The consultant SBS Consulting Maria Osolodchenko clarified for Vedomosti the situation with the change in the production policy of United Company RUSAL (UC RUSAL) in connection with sanctions. How long does RUSAL need to reorient products to the Asian market? Will it be possible to avoid mass reductions? How long will it take to sign new deals from China? Why would China be interested in working with the company?

For a short period, reorientation of production is rather difficult, since this is a long negotiating process. The minimum period is six months, the maximum is difficult to assess.

China is a net exporter of aluminum and has surplus alumino-producing capacities. Two years ago, the problem of surplus and surplus capacity in the Chinese market was very acute, now the situation is somewhat smoothed (aluminum consumption in China is growing faster than production), the country still produces more than it consumes and continues to open new capacities (while closing old ones). In case of successful agreement, for example, by connecting a political resource, the price of supply will be low, which means that the older production capacities of the company may become unprofitable, which again will be spurred by the closure of part of the workshops.

Another thing is that, most likely, RUSAL will help avoid mass reductions. The state can help with the purchase of products in Rosrezerv, but everything will depend on the conditions.
5 April 2018
SBS Consulting partner Sergey Artemiev commented for Vedomosti on the reasons for the involvement of Russian experts in training foreign employees by ...
SBS Consulting partner Sergey Artemiev commented for Vedomosti on the reasons for the involvement of Russian experts in training foreign employees by Western producers.

The interest of foreign producers in this approach is conditioned by the balance of strategic and economic expediency. From the point of view of strategy, a matrix structure is inherent for foreign manufacturers, which implies the consolidation of functional specialization for each enterprise: R & D center, logistics center, service center, etc. The key specialization of the service center can be the control over the implementation of the standards of the head office at enterprises in other countries, at the technological and methodological levels as a brand-ambassador. The location of such service centers is determined by the proximity to the sales markets. The location of service centers in Russia to further translate knowledge into subsidiaries is cheaper than in countries with higher standards of living, while the professional level of trained Russian specialists is quite high.
3 April 2018
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Vladimir Samokhvalov acted as speaker at the conference of the Moscow Economic Forum - 2018 "International ...
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Vladimir Samokhvalov acted as speaker at the conference of the Moscow Economic Forum - 2018 "International trade and WTO: how to ensure equal conditions?".
29 March 2018
March 29, 2018, Moscow. Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov and Director Ekaterina Shipilova became invited participants of the 20th All-Russian ...
March 29, 2018, Moscow. Managing Partner Vladimir Samokhvalov and Director Ekaterina Shipilova became invited participants of the 20th All-Russian Banking Conference « Banking System of Russia 2018: Practical Issues of Current Supervision and Regulation ». В сессии « Actual aspects of improving the regulation of banking activities » Vladimir made a report « The Institute of Qualified Borrowers Complex system of credit risk assessment for corporate borrowers of small and medium businesses ».
26 March 2018
Expert of SBS Consulting Maria Osolodchenko has prepared a review of macroeconomic trends in Russia's development since 1999.
Expert of SBS Consulting Maria Osolodchenko has prepared a review of macroeconomic trends in Russia's development since 1999.
22 March 2018
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Vladimir Samokhvalov was invited as a moderator for the business breakfast "Power Engineering in Russia" ...
Managing Partner of SBS Consulting Vladimir Samokhvalov was invited as a moderator for the business breakfast "Power Engineering in Russia" Prospects for localization and production cooperation in the conditions of legislative changes ".
The event was organized by the Corporation for the Development of the Middle Urals. At the business breakfast, representatives of legislative and executive authorities and energy equipment manufacturers discussed the implementation of import substitution programs.
6 March 2018
On the first of March, SBS Consulting partner Oleg Sutyrin took part in the meeting of the Committee on Foundry and Forging and Press Production. The ...
On the first of March, SBS Consulting partner Oleg Sutyrin took part in the meeting of the Committee on Foundry and Forging and Press Production. The meeting was organized by the Association "League of Assistance to Defense Enterprises" and the Union of Machine Builders of Russia.
5 March 2018
SBS Consulting senior consultant Dmitry Babansky told IA REGNUM about the barriers for heavy engineering products to entry into the Chinese market ...
SBS Consulting senior consultant Dmitry Babansky told IA REGNUM about the barriers for heavy engineering products to entry into the Chinese market and the segments in which the potential growth of heavy engineering exports is possible.
28 February 2018
Experts of SBS Consulting commented on the key regulations of the approved strategy for the development of the automobile industry. One of the tools ...
Experts of SBS Consulting commented on the key regulations of the approved strategy for the development of the automobile industry. One of the tools to stimulate domestic automakers to deepen localization are special investment projects (SPIC).
16 January 2018
Experts at SBS Consulting explain the reasons for the growth of the domestic car industry for the study of the Agency for Analytical Information ...
Experts at SBS Consulting explain the reasons for the growth of the domestic car industry for the study of the Agency for Analytical Information Prime. As the basic factors of growth, state support and increasing the availability of credit are allotted.
26 December 2017
The project leader of SBS Consulting, Ilya Zashlyapin, assessed the process of attracting residents into territories of advanced development ...
The project leader of SBS Consulting, Ilya Zashlyapin, assessed the process of attracting residents into territories of advanced development (TAD). According to the expert, it is first of all necessary to adjust the objectives of the TAD and to establish strict requirements for investors. These methods will enlarge the contribution of the TAD to foreign investments of the country and will increase the efficiency of attracting residents.
8 December 2017
SBS Consulting experts commented on the Agency's economic information "Prime" consequences of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of ...
SBS Consulting experts commented on the Agency's economic information "Prime" consequences of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia introducing new requirements for foreign automakers.
1 December 2017
Senior Consultant of SBS Consulting Denis Khayretdinov acted as an expert for the special project RBC + within the framework of the issue ...
Senior Consultant of SBS Consulting Denis Khayretdinov acted as an expert for the special project RBC + within the framework of the issue "Fuel and Energy Complex" and commented on possible areas of cooperation between Russia and Saudi Arabia.
22 November 2017
SBS Consulting has completed a project on development of a program of organizational and technical measures to optimize the costs of repair and ...
SBS Consulting has completed a project on development of a program of organizational and technical measures to optimize the costs of repair and maintenance of passenger wagons for the leading rail carrier.

The project lasted 8 months and was carried out in two stages: the analysis of production processes and the development of recommendations for the optimization of production processes.

The research of production processes took place in several directions and included the description and analysis of the technological schemes of the structural units being analyzed, the number and loading of their production personnel, unproductive outages, the production equipment used and the infrastructure of structural subdivisions, supporting functions, supply and quality control of material and technical resources (MTR) , as well as analysis of the potential for loading of production capacities of structural subdivisions third-party orders.

Optimization measures were detailed and fixed in the developed model and the concept of the target map of the network of structural subdivisions, target process diagrams for the analyzed structural divisions. Implementation of a set of optimization measures will be promoted by the developed program of organizational and technical measures to optimize the costs of maintenance and repair of passenger cars.
21 November 2017
SBS Consulting experts took part in the rating of technological fast-growing companies that have a high potential for leadership both in the Russian ...
SBS Consulting experts took part in the rating of technological fast-growing companies that have a high potential for leadership both in the Russian and global markets.
8 November 2017
Expert of SBS Consulting Kristina Yakovleva commented on the current situation of Russian enterprises in various segments of the road construction ...
Expert of SBS Consulting Kristina Yakovleva commented on the current situation of Russian enterprises in various segments of the road construction equipment market (DST).
20 October 2017
SBS Consulting has completed a project on development and implementation of the controlling system for the mining Company.
SBS Consulting has completed a project on development and implementation of the controlling system for the mining Company.

Among the key results of the project are prepared summary map of the controlling system indicators in all areas of financial and economic activity, algorithms for analyzing and forecasting of key indicators, roadmap for implementing the controlling system.

The results of SBS Consulting’ working-out aimed at improving the management of the Company due to efficiency and validity of making management decisions based on reliable and timely information and analysis.
13 October 2017
On October 13, 2017 in Yekaterinburg, SBS Consulting Project Manager Ilya Zashlyapin took part in the conference "The Role of the New Law on ...
On October 13, 2017 in Yekaterinburg, SBS Consulting Project Manager Ilya Zashlyapin took part in the conference "The Role of the New Law on Heat Supply in Modernizing the Region's Infrastructure". The conference was organized by the media holding Expert together with the Agency for Strategic Initiatives and with the participation of T-Plus.
11 October 2017
SBS Consulting senior consultant Dmitry Babansky commented on the expansion of the Finnish concern Nokian Tires.
SBS Consulting senior consultant Dmitry Babansky commented on the expansion of the Finnish concern Nokian Tires.
3 October 2017
Director of SBS Consulting Ekaterina Shipilova prepared recommendations for "the Chief Financial Officer" on the "List of phrases that ...
Director of SBS Consulting Ekaterina Shipilova prepared recommendations for "the Chief Financial Officer" on the "List of phrases that no boss wants to hear from a subordinate."
18 September 2017
September 15, 2017, SBS Consulting took part in the conference "Biotechmed-2017". At the round table "Biotechnology in the Cosmetic ...
September 15, 2017, SBS Consulting took part in the conference "Biotechmed-2017". At the round table "Biotechnology in the Cosmetic Industry", as part of the meeting of the Interagency Working Group, SBS Consulting expert Kristina Yakovleva presented the report "International Experience in the Development of the Perfume and Cosmetic Industry".
5 September 2017
HR Director Usanova Anastasia prepared a publication on the subject of metaprogramme interview.
For the consulting company it's important ...
HR Director Usanova Anastasia prepared a publication on the subject of metaprogramme interview.
For the consulting company it's important to assess the future candidares not only by professional knowledge that can be checked through tests and cases but also by the correspondence to corporate values of the company, such as "Team Member", "Result Oriented" and "Aspiration for Development" . In this case, the projective questions of the metaprogram interview are demonstrative.
28 August 2017
SBS Consulting partner Sergey Artemyev moderated the conference of the Russian Export Center "State Measures to Support the Export of Civilian ...
SBS Consulting partner Sergey Artemyev moderated the conference of the Russian Export Center "State Measures to Support the Export of Civilian and Dual-Use Products of the Military-industrial complex enterprises" at "the Army-2017 Forum". The audience included 25 factories of the military-industrial complex.
17 August 2017
Senior analyst of SBS Consulting Ksenia Novoselova prepared the publication "Creating an effective controlling system in the Company." The ...
Senior analyst of SBS Consulting Ksenia Novoselova prepared the publication "Creating an effective controlling system in the Company." The publication is posted on the portal "Production Management".
It is extremely important for the management of the organization to carry out timely and effective control over its activities, in particular this issue is relevant for large companies characterized by territorial disparity of branches and a large number of activities.
15 August 2017
Dmitry Babansky was an expert on the introduction of the scrap on secondary agricultural machinery in order to drive out the imported equipment from ...
Dmitry Babansky was an expert on the introduction of the scrap on secondary agricultural machinery in order to drive out the imported equipment from the Russian market.
31 July 2017
Director of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin commented on the reasons and prospects for the growth of export of Russian agricultural machinery for the ...
Director of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin commented on the reasons and prospects for the growth of export of Russian agricultural machinery for the newspaper Izvestia.

According to Oleg Sutyrin, further growth of export of agricultural machinery from Russia is possible when the state policy on the domestic market is changed. This is also necessary for the development of sales on the Russian market of agricultural machinery.

What are the directions:

- The possibility of obtaining revolving finance by machine builders at rates comparable to foreign producers
- Reduction of the tax burden (taking into account social taxes, the burden is one of the largest in Europe)

Otherwise, due to the gradual strengthening of the ruble, it is not possible to multiply the increase in export.

25 July 2017
July 18, 2017 the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol was resulted in decision to endorse the Strategy for Social and Economic ...
July 18, 2017 the meeting of the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol was resulted in decision to endorse the Strategy for Social and Economic Development until 2030. (The draft Strategy was developed in 2016 with the active participation of SBS Consulting experts ("Business Solutions").
17 July 2017
SBS Consulting partner Sergey Artemyev acted as an expert on the implementation of import substitution in the oil and gas sector.
SBS Consulting partner Sergey Artemyev acted as an expert on the implementation of import substitution in the oil and gas sector.
11 July 2017
SBS Consulting’ expert Dmitry Babansky commented on the personnel reshuffle of the GAZ Group and «RM-Terex».
SBS Consulting’ expert Dmitry Babansky commented on the personnel reshuffle of the GAZ Group and «RM-Terex».

According to Dmitry Babansky, a senior consultant at SBS Consulting, the appointment of Christian Kremer as senior vice president for global sales and marketing of the GAZ Group is primarily due to the need to solve export problems. The tasks of Cyril Epstein in "RM-Terex", apparently, will be similar to those that he solved at GAZ: increasing the level of localization, the development of the component base. "As for the appointment of Gunther Hayden, he is likely to increase the level of capacity utilization, possibly through the development of contract manufacturing or joint ventures."
10 July 2017
Director of state consulting practice Alexey Kalinin and Consultant Maria Osolodchenko published an article "Best Available Technologies as an ...
Director of state consulting practice Alexey Kalinin and Consultant Maria Osolodchenko published an article "Best Available Technologies as an Instrument of State Industrial Policy" in the journal "Society and Economics" No. 7, 2017.

The article presents a brief history of the emergence of BAT ideas in Russian practice, describes the course and peculiarities of the development of legal regulation. The arguments in favor of considering BAT as an instrument of industrial policy are presented. Quantitative estimates of investment potential of BAT and practical consequences from the point of view of state regulation of industry are presented.
4 July 2017
Partner of  SBS Consulting Sergey Artemyev commented on the utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG) for Kommersant. In his ...
Partner of SBS Consulting Sergey Artemyev commented on the utilization of associated petroleum gas (APG) for Kommersant. In his comments, Sergey explains that APG is a "valuable raw material" and is processed directly on the platform in modular-block separation plants, receiving dry gas and condensate.

Dry gas can be burned on the platform itself and this allows to get electricity, it can be liquefied and shipped by gas carriers if the platform is far from the shore. Or it can be laid an underwater gas pipeline ashore to the consumer. Condensate is also shipped by tankers as raw materials for gas chemistry, all initiatives are quite capital intensive.
3 July 2017
HR Director Anastasia Usanova prepared an article "How to build a mentoring system?" for the "People and Development" rubric of ...
HR Director Anastasia Usanova prepared an article «How to build a mentoring system?» for the «People and Development» rubric of the electronic journal «Financial Director». The key stages in the formation of the mentoring system are, according to the author, the choice of the mentor within the company, the regulation of the learning process, and the definition of the method of mentoring.
23 June 2017
SBS Consulting’ experts moderated the Workshop "Instruments and Practices for Promoting Civil Defense Products of the OPK to Foreign ...
SBS Consulting’ experts moderated the Workshop "Instruments and Practices for Promoting Civil Defense Products of the OPK to Foreign Markets" at the 5th International Forum of Technological Development "TECHNOPROM".
12 June 2017
Experts at SBS Consulting commented on the growth in the number of operating oil and gas installations in the world.
Experts at SBS Consulting commented on the growth in the number of operating oil and gas installations in the world.
9 June 2017
Director of state consulting of SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin commented on the publication of Vedomosti, the article "Who needs an auditor ...
Director of state consulting of SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin commented on the publication of Vedomosti, the article "Who needs an auditor without secrecy?". Alexei Kalinin believes: "If the companies hide information from the auditors, shareholders may suffer."
26 May 2017
May 25, 2017, Moscow. - The Russian Export Center hosted a conference on promotion of high-tech civilian products for defense enterprises to foreign ...

May 25, 2017, Moscow. - The Russian Export Center hosted a conference on promotion of high-tech civilian products for defense enterprises to foreign markets. The conference participants analyzed the willingness of the defense industry enterprises to export civilian products, and also discussed existing and prospective measures of state support for the defense industry exports. The Plenary session "Possibilities of exporting civil and dual-use products to enterprises of the MIC" was moderated by the partner of SBS Consulting Sergey Artemyev.

26 May 2017
Dmitry Babansky at SBS Consulting was an expert for the publication of Kommersant and commented on the growth in the Russian commercial vehicle ...
Dmitry Babansky at SBS Consulting was an expert for the publication of Kommersant and commented on the growth in the Russian commercial vehicle market.
26 May 2017
Analyst of SBS Consulting Novoselova Ksenia prepared material comparing approaches to disclosure of financial liabilities under RAS and IFRS. The ...

Analyst of SBS Consulting Novoselova Ksenia prepared material comparing approaches to disclosure of financial liabilities under RAS and IFRS. The study provides an assessment of the disclosed financial statements in terms of a qualitative assessment of the financial performance of the company and an approach to the decision of investors regarding the company's assets..

12 May 2017
Director of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin commented on the possibility and conditions of cooperation of machine builders in Russia and Belarus. ...
Director of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin commented on the possibility and conditions of cooperation of machine builders in Russia and Belarus. Partnership between Russian and Belarusian enterprises can be effective if a solution is found to divide the output.

Now Rostselmash is a technological leader. At the same time, Gomselmash is trying to produce the same product line. The products of Gomselmash are cheaper. For the Gomselmash partnership, one must either agree to the production of separate units for Rostselmash, or decide to divide the products into segments that are not currently occupied by Rostselmash, for example, the production of self-propelled potato harvesters and sugar beet harvesters. Both solutions are extremely difficult. At the same time, the rejection of these decisions will make cooperation unpromising.

Cooperation can be successful if it allows to reduce the cost of production, which can be achieved by unifying the units of produced equipment and concentrating production in one of the countries. This option is difficult, but it is possible to realize only with the trust of the two parties in the long term. The second area of cooperation, which can and should be implemented, is joint development for the markets of third countries.

17 April 2017
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babansky commented on the growth in output of agricultural machinery in Russia in the first quarter by 39% in ...
SBS Consulting expert Dmitry Babansky commented on the growth in output of agricultural machinery in Russia in the first quarter by 39% in monetary terms.
According to Dmitry Babansky, in 2017, growth trends will continue and "the market can indeed grow by 10-15% with the continuation of state support, supported by the expected decline in lending rates. The implementation of the plan to double exports by 2018 mainly depends on whether the ruble will return to the rate of 65 rubles for the dollar. "
16 April 2017
SBS Consulting partner Pavel Kharitonov described the reasons for the growth of international passenger transportation to non-CIS countries by ...
SBS Consulting partner Pavel Kharitonov described the reasons for the growth of international passenger transportation to non-CIS countries by rail.
"The growth of passenger traffic abroad relates to the work of Russian Railways to launch new attractive projects. A tourist train "Imperial Russia" to China, a new train "Strizh" Moscow-Berlin with automatic change of gauge of a gauge (time on a way on a route has decreased for four hours) are in good demand. Improving the quality of services will continue to stimulate the growth in the number of passengers. But "do not exaggerate the significance of this growth," the absolute figures of rail passenger traffic on long-distance routes are substantially lower than the number of air transportation. "
12 April 2017
SBS Consulting experts commented on the acquisition by Rosneft from the Independent Oil and Gas Company of 100% of the company Kondaneft for 40 ...
<div> SBS Consulting experts commented on the acquisition by Rosneft from the Independent Oil and Gas Company of 100% of the company Kondaneft for 40 billion rubles. </div>

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<div> According to SBS Consulting experts, this assessment seems, if not fair, at least interesting for Rosneft. The expediency of the transaction for Rosneft is explained by the fact that currently, in the framework of the tax maneuver being carried out, the export of dark oil products and oil is more attractive than their deep oil refining.</div>

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<div>Reference: <a href=""> </a></div>
11 April 2017
The Government of the Russian Federation approved a new version of the state program "Development of Industry and Enhancing Its ...
The Government of the Russian Federation approved a new version of the state program «Development of Industry and Enhancing Its Competitiveness». The draft for the new version of the state program was developed in 2016 with the active participation of SBS Consulting consultants ("Business Solutions").

In the changed structure of the State Program, 8 subprograms are envisaged in place of the 21 subprogrammes that were previously included. Subprograms are formed on the basis of current activities, as well as new activities, the development and implementation of which is required in accordance with the instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation. Among the new directions prepared are the activities of the subprograms «Development of the production of the means of production» и «Development of industrial infrastructure and infrastructure for supporting activities in the sphere of industry». The main activities of the subprograms have been formed taking into account the new Methodological Guidelines for the Development and Implementation of State Programs of the Russian Federation approved by Order No. 582 of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation on September 16, 2016 and instructions of the Government of the Russian Federation.

7 April 2017
April 6, 2017, Moscow. SBS Consulting experts took part in the Open meeting of the Expert Council under the State Duma Committee on Energy in the ...
<div>April 6, 2017, Moscow. SBS Consulting experts took part in the Open meeting of the Expert Council under the State Duma Committee on Energy in the section on legislative regulation of energy efficiency and energy saving on the theme:, <b>«"Energy efficiency in heat supply as the only way out of the crisis"»</b>.

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<div>The main meeting’s questions were examples of modernization of centralized heating systems based on the example of Russian cities; Reserves of energy efficiency growth in centralized heating systems; Legislative and administrative barriers to modernizing and increasing the energy efficiency of centralized heating systems; Contracts for energy services, concessions and the law on an alternative boiler house.</div>

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<div>Following the meeting, the key problems of the industry were highlighted: a fairly large number of regulatory agencies, lack of long-term financing and ambiguity with the formation of a unified boiler house.<div>

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<div>The participants of the event were Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, members of the Federation Council, representatives of federal executive bodies, state authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation and local self-government, the first persons of large energy companies, representatives of the business community and experts. </div>

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<div>Reference: <a href=""> </a></div>

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5 April 2017
The Director of State consulting practice, Alexey Kalinin, provided expertise on the feasibility of introducing tax incentives for oil fields.
The Director of State consulting practice, Alexey Kalinin, provided expertise on the feasibility of introducing tax incentives for oil fields.
In his view, the tax legislation in the oil and gas industry requires reform: it is necessary to differentiate the taxation of production (taking into account the extraction conditions, reserves, etc.), reduce excises in order to reduce the pressure on prices, and compensate for the falling income due to differential VAT refund. Now the exporters’ return is 100% of the VAT, explained Mr. Kalinin, and "differential return implies that when exporting oil or dark petroleum products the tax is not refundable, the rate of return grows as refining increases."
5 April 2017
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation estimates that half of the spare parts on the Russian car market is counterfeit, and ...
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation estimates that half of the spare parts on the Russian car market is counterfeit, and has opposed the counterfeiting. One of the options the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation calls the chipping of parts by analogy with the pilot project for marking fur. Auto dealers offer to deal with gray parts dealers through licensing of service centers.
SBS Consulting commented on the activities proposed to combat counterfeiting in the automotive industry.
30 March 2017
SBS Consulting took part in two sections of the Moscow Economic Forum.
Within the framework of the round table «From Stagnation to Development: ...
SBS Consulting took part in two sections of the Moscow Economic Forum. Within the framework of the round table, «From Stagnation to Development: How to Achieve the Realization of Russia's Potential and Ensure Real Growth?» SBS Consulting management made a report summarizing the fundamental principles of the Russian Development Strategy until 2025.

The analysis and conclusions on the results of the crises of 1998, 2008 and 2012 were presented at the conference, «The crisis of public administration — is there a solution?»

15 March 2017
Partner of SBS Consulting Pavel Kharitonov performed a report at the Forum of Development Institutions, which was held within the framework of the ...
Partner of SBS Consulting Pavel Kharitonov performed a report at the Forum of Development Institutions, which was held within the framework of the Russian Business Week.

Pavel Kharitonov's report "Experience in Support of Projects for State Support" outlined the key problems that the business faces in obtaining state support; presented the Company's experience in assisting in state support obtaining, and also highlighted recommendations for improving the quality of services for business.

The key areas for improving the system of state support are integration of information systems of development institutions among themselves and the formation of a "one-stop-shop" system.
28 February 2017
Dmitry Babanskii, consultant at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation in the commercial vehicle market.
Dmitry Babanskii, consultant at SBS Consulting, commented on the situation in the commercial vehicle market.
22 February 2017
The projects lead of SBS Consulting Company Ilya Zashlyapin commented intentions of the Ministry of the North Caucasus to create a modern deep-water ...
The projects lead of SBS Consulting Company Ilya Zashlyapin commented intentions of the Ministry of the North Caucasus to create a modern deep-water port in the territory of Dagestan.
14 February 2017
SBS Consulting (Moscow) worked out the Strategy of social and economic development of Sevastopol till 2030 in cooperation with International ...
SBS Consulting (Moscow) worked out the Strategy of social and economic development of Sevastopol till 2030 in cooperation with International Center of Regions Development. In December 2016, the Strategy was approved and de facto accepted after public hearings and discussions in Administration and Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol, Agency for Strategic Initiatives and Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

While developing the Strategy the prior acts of strategic planning (The Concept of strategy development of Sevastopol till 2030, Federal Special Purpose Program “Social and economic development of Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol till 2020”, Federal Act №377 “On development of Crimean Federal district and free economic zone in Republic of Crimea and city of federal status Sevastopol”), materials of the workshop devoted to the problems of the city (took place in August 2016),  state programs of Sevastopol and the project of the site plan of Sevastopol were taken into account.

According to the previous experience, for being implementable the Strategy should contain not only future structure of the economy but also forces of economic changes and reliable sources of financing (private, public etc.) determined by specific features of the region.

The integral part of the Strategy is Plan of action that should coordinate efforts of society and all branches of government from the start of Strategy realization. Success of the start determines success of the whole Strategy.

The analysis showed that reconstruction and rapid development of ship repair facility of Russian Navy can be the driver of economic changes in Sevastopol. The reasons are becoming of Sevastopol the base for the stationing of the Navy and recent changes in the world and Russian external policy. However, the Strategy does not suggest ship repair to be the main economic activity in Sevastopol even in case of signing up export orders.

Sevastopol has been an open city for more than 20 years attracting large tourist traffic. In particular, the city became one of the most popular centers of war and patriotic tourism in Russia.

The city is also the center of science and education in southern Russia providing training of specialists and solving problems in seamanship and forming new advanced activities, for example, development of information technologies. In the future, the importance of Sevastopol as a center of science and education will continue to increase.
Today Sevastopol has all the opportunities for rapid growth of instrumentation manufacturing industry.
Quality of soils in Sevastopol allows to grow grapes of premium quality, produce excellent wine, cultivate other crops and develop seafood industry. All these factors create a base for food industry including supplying its products to other regions inside the country and abroad.

Also, due to its geographic location Sevastopol can become the business and transport hub in Black Sea region.
All the areas of development of Sevastopol economy mentioned above were declared in the Concept 2 years ago, but in the Strategy they are further elaborated.

The specific feature of the Strategy is calculation not only of target indicators of economy development but also of corresponding revenues of Sevastopol budget. These calculations show that there is an opportunity for significant increase in fiscal revenues by means of collecting regional taxes and other cash receipts. By that, dependence on federal support will decline gradually. As a result, in 5-7 years Sevastopol will be able to plan its development and rapidly increase its comfortability for city residents and visitors relying on tax and non-tax revenues.

The Strategy will be realized in 3 stages.
The first stage (2017-2018) focuses on lifting administrative restrictions, decreasing risks of carrying on business, overcoming infrastructural barriers (energetics, transport), solving problems of urban economy and arrangement of necessary conditions for full realization of projects of Federal special purpose program, integration of municipal legislation into Russian legal environment and construction of effective system of public administration. At this stage, it is necessary to take an action in major reconstruction of corporate property accounting, enumeration, and changes in migration policy to increase (not decrease) cultural, educational and creative potential of residents. Economic priorities at this stage are fleet service, instrumentation manufacturing, agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture sectors including raw materials processing, transport and logistics and tourism. At the same time, as it was already mentioned, changes in internal and external policy allow to consider ship repair, modernization and refit of Black Sea Navy Fleet as an accelerator of fruitful changes in urban economy.

The second stage (2019-2024) considers qualitative improvement of integration of Sevastopol enterprises in carrying out orders of Russian Navy due to increase in ship repair volumes. The plan is to increase investment attractiveness of the civilian sector of the economy. Active industrial (investment) policy requiring high level of involvement of regional and municipal administration should be realized using public private partnership. The target indicator of the second stage is increase in the share of tax and non-tax revenues in the budget by 20-24% compared to 2015-2016.

The third stage (2025-2030) considers optimization of city economy structure, significant enhancement as a center of trade and business in Black Sea region, integration in transportation chains of Black Sea region, creation of new technologies and new productions with high value added based on intellectual component.

Multifaceted development of Sevastopol economy will enable to increase sustainability of municipal budget system. In 2016 personal income tax formed 2/3 of tax revenues in the city. Contribution of other taxes – corporate income tax, property tax – was significantly lower than in other regions and in Russia on average. As a result, tax and non-tax revenue of the municipal budget account for significantly lower proportion of fiscal revenues and budget is unsustainable and dependent on federal transfers.

After realization of the Plan of action the proportion of tax and non-tax revenues will be more than 70%. Taxes by industry type will change significantly. The share of taxes from productive sectors will increase by 1,5-2 times. The share of public administration and other non-productive sectors will decrease by 1,3-1,4 times. In prospect, Sevastopol will finance social services and urban economy basically using its own tax and non-tax revenues.

SBS Consulting was founded in 2006 and is the leader of Russian strategic consulting in the middle price segment. Today more than 20 largest Russian companies, federal executive authorities and some Russian regions are the clients of SBS Consulting. 90% of clients keep cooperation with SBS Consulting after the first project.
Specialization of SBS Consulting:
•    development of strategy and business plan of a company;
•    improvement of company’s management system and business processes;
•    optimization of fixed assets construction system;
•    increasing energy efficiency;
•    consulting of federal authorities.
The company provides services in the following industries:
•    metals and machine building;
•    oil, gas, chemicals;
•    construction and real estate;
•    public sector;
•    Institutes for development.
9 February 2017
The partner of SBS Consulting Pavel Kharitonov did the interview to “Delovoy Kvartal” and explained why consulting is necessary and what kind of ...
The partner of SBS Consulting Pavel Kharitonov did the interview to “Delovoy Kvartal” and explained why consulting is necessary and what kind of companies do not need consulting services.
8 February 2017
SBS Consulting commented on the intention of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation to implement the utilization fee for engineering ...
SBS Consulting commented on the intention of Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation to implement utilization fee for engineering products and machine tools.
Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation plans to increase the list of companies for which the utilization fee for engineering products and machine tools is considered to be implemented.
Despite strong criticism from machine-building enterprises and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs the consultant of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky believes that implementation of utilization fee can be regarded as the instrument of supporting competitive power of Russian producers.  
6 February 2017
Project manager of SBS Consulting Ilya Zashlyapin commented on whether development of clusters can increase GDP growth and what mechanisms are needed ...
Project manager of SBS Consulting Ilya Zashlyapin commented on whether development of clusters can increase GDP growth and what mechanisms are needed for successful cluster development.

The comment of Ilya Zashlyapin is confined to suggestion of Stolypin club to create clusters in Russian regions. Clusters will provide economic growth rate higher than in the world. The idea is to form 6 clusters: gas-to-mineral-fertilizers cluster in harbor areas of Baltic Sea, Black Sea and Far East, cluster of medical equipment in Saint-Petersburg, pharmaceutical cluster in Kaluga, cluster of added-value wood processing in Trans-Baikal Territory and Irkutsk region, cluster of machine tool building and instrument making in Novosibirsk and Bashkortostan, meat production cluster in Kalmykia.

Answering the question “Can development of clusters increase GDP growth?” Ilya Zashlyapin said:
“These clusters can be hardly considered as drivers of Russian economy growth. The format of clusters is local and constrained. In current situation when production of the manufacturing sector accounts for about 14% even in case of increase in industrial value added by 10% will provide growth of the whole economy by less than 1,5%. So, growth should become the mass phenomenon in most economic activities. For example, such growth took place when the economy was recovering after the crisis in 1998”.

While discussing mechanisms for successful development of clusters Ilya Zashlyapin mentioned initial mission and specifics of creating clusters. Cluster is accumulation of enterprises often carrying out different activities which are not only combined with each other but also have connection with educational and scientific institutions in one of the regions. As a result, they form territorial industrial complex connected with science and education. So, production in clusters becomes competitive and production growth becomes sustainable allowing to satisfy interests of internal and external markets.

In the market economy clusters are formed based on business initiative. The role of local authorities is to identify success of activity that has potential to grow and foster its development involving additional financing (through government institutions, investment funds, investors etc.), facilities of educational and scientific organizations at the regional (it is a must) and federal level because regional administration is the main beneficiary of developing system initiative on its territory through taxes, employment etc.

So, entrepreneurs themselves should be initiators of creating clusters and the role of authorities is to see needs of business and provide it with necessary infrastructure. Infrastructure should include not only industrial development area and utility lines but also engineering services, logistics and availability of all human resources of due qualification – all components that make a potential product competitive.

12 January 2017
The consultant of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky took on the role of expert for “Kommersant” and commented on the project of the Strategy of ...
The consultant of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky took on the role of expert for “Kommersant” and commented on the project of the Strategy of development of heavy engineering industry prepared by Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation.
28 December 2016
There is visible positive tendency in heavy engineering industry with traditionally high import ratio. Over 10 months Russian production increased by ...
The consultant of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on actions of Import Substitution Program in heavy engineering industry. He explained changes in import indicators for some segments of machinery building.
19 December 2016
By request of “Kommersant” the consultant of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky gave an estimation of government support of the car ...
By request of “Kommersant” the consultant of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky gave an estimation of government support of the car market.  
Steady increase of government support has the following effect: for every 10 rubles spent by consumers the government devoted 1 ruble more to the industry. According to calculations of SBS Consulting, government support will account for 8,8% of the car market in terms of money. But the industry has a long way to go and the government plans to implement new measures to support demand and will continue to stimulate export next year.
7 December 2016
SBS Consulting took part in the workshop “Mentors for national champions” conducted within the 3rd Congress “Innovative practice: Science plus ...
SBS Consulting took part in the workshop “Mentors for national champions” conducted within the 3rd Congress “Innovative practice: Science plus business”. The initiator of the Congress is non-state institution for development “Innopraktika”.

The question of cooperation of consulting firms and companies participating in the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russian Federation “Support of private high-technology leading companies”. SBS Consulting took active part in the process of selecting companies for the Project:
23 November 2016
Today, 23 November 2016, SBS Consulting moderated 2 Panel discussions as part of the 5th International Forum on Energy Efficiency, Energy Saving and ...
The first Panel discussion moderated by SBS Consulting “Import substitution. Instrument are formed. Is business exploiting given resources or needs additional resources?” was organized in a form of the dialog between public authorities and business. The speakers on the part of public authorities were Deputy Director of Department of machine tool building and investment machine building of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russian Federation E. V. Muratov, Director of Department of oil and gas extraction of Ministry of Energy A. A. Gladkov. On the part of business there were the following speakers: CEO of “OMZ” M. A. Smirnov, CEO of “MOESK” P. A. Sinyutin, CEO of Legran Group in Russia and CIS Alexis Conan, Chairman of the Board of Directors of “NIPI NG “Peton” E. S. Gasanov, Sales manager of “Siemens” A. B. Liberov, Deputy CEO and Sales manager of “Silovye mashiny” Y. I. Sunyaev.

Achievements of each participant in import substitution and restrictions and problems of achieving target indicators faced by majors of machinery building market were discussed.

The second Panel discussion “From innovative technologies to strategy of development of back countries” considered the form of interdepartmental interaction and more substantial decision – signing of a Declaration formalizing proposed variants of back countries development.  

The key topics were innovative technologies in telemedicine, online education, alternative ways of transportation, self-generated power supply, post and banking services using IT.
The speakers on the part of Ministries were Deputy Minister of energy A. Y. Inyutsyn, Deputy Minister of Transport V. M. Okulov, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Media D. M. Alkhazov. Representatives of authorities of 35 regions also took part in the Panel discussion, the speaker was First Infrastructure Development, Housing and Public Utilities and Energy Deputy Governor of Vladimir region L. F. Smolina. On the part of business the speakers were CEO of “MRSK Centra” O. Y. Isaev, CEO of Agency for Strategic Initiatives A. S. Nikitin, Vice-president of “Rostelekom” A. D. Prokopenko, Deputy CEO of “Pochta Rossii” E. A. Elfimov, CEO of “Pochta-Bank” D. V. Rudenko, Deputy Director of the Federal Agency for Supervision in Education and Science N. A. Naumova.
22 November 2016
SBS Consulting developed the Strategy for the Integrated structure “Uralvagonzavod” (UVZ) till 2025.
SBS Consulting developed the Strategy for the Integrated structure “Uralvagonzavod” (UVZ) till 2025. It was accepted by Board of Directors on 22 November 2016. Strategic goals to be achieved by UVZ will enable the company to create the powerful application platform for UVZ development as a machine building holding.

The project has been lasted for 8 months and included determination of benchmarks of development, analysis of technical basis of enterprises and creation of new management structure.

The Strategy considers achieving ambitious strategic, operational and financial goals. The plan is to increase sales of military goods by 2,5 times, share of civil products revenue to 46% by the year 2025. As for financial indicators, revenue growth to 282 billion rubles (due to extra revenue from selling new products it can rise to 382 billion rubles) is expected. EBITDA margin should rise to 19,7%.

Transformation of UVZ into diversified holding considers creation of the Managing company by the year 2018. Managing company will manage key entities of the Corporation. The expected result is increase in operational efficiency and decrease in proportion of administrative expenses in revenue to 3,5%.

Investing in new product lines and creation of 9 new business units will contribute to increasing range of activities of UVZ. The new product lines can be remotely piloted facilities, remote diagnostics of machines, new materials.

Transition to the new industrial model in 2020 implies creation of Centers of competences based on SC “NPK “Uralvagonzavod” in Nizhny Tagil, JSC “Uraltransmash” and JSC “Zavod №9” in Ekaterinburg, JSC “Elektromashina” and CHTZ in Chelyabinsk, JSC “Omsktransmash” in Omsk. In Moscow Centers of competences in IT and innovative studies will be formed.

The Strategy will be realized in 3 stages. The first stage (2017-2018) considers building of Corporation management system. On the second stage (2019-2020) increase in sales and intra-group cooperation is expected. Attracting investments for developing civil business lines, launching innovative products and increasing operational efficiency are expected to result in revenue of 228,7 billion rubles, net income of 6,7 billion rubles. The third stage (2022-2025) implies entering new product markets, active development of innovations and building traditional markets strength. In 2025 total revenue of the Corporation will be 282 (382) billion rubles.

Taking into account planned actions for reforming management system and tight deadlines for achieving strategic goals UVZ and SBS Consulting came to agreement of support in implementation of actions of the Strategy.

UVZ Corporation was founded on the 27 August 2007 by Russian Federation Presidential Decree. Corporation produces machines, wagons and military goods. UVZ is vertically integrated company. It consolidates 40 plants, design bureaus and research institutes. They are Russia and world famous producers of military goods, railway vehicles, light rails, road building and public works machines.

SBS Consulting was founded in 2006 and is the leader of Russian strategic consulting in the middle price segment. Today more than 20 largest Russian companies, federal executive authorities and some Russian regions are the clients of SBS Consulting.
90% of clients keep cooperation with SBS Consulting after the first project.
Specialization of SBS Consulting:
•    development of strategy and business plan of a company;
•    improvement of company’s management system and business processes;
•    optimization of fixed assets construction system;
•    increasing energy efficiency;
•    consulting of federal authorities.
The company provides services in the following industries:
•    metals and machine building;
•    oil, gas, chemicals;
•    construction and real estate;
•    public sector;
•    Institutes for development.
Strategy text:
10 November 2016
The meeting of the Coordinating Council on Industrial Policy in the Metallurgical Complex under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian ...
The meeting of the Coordinating Council on Industrial Policy in the Metallurgical Complex under the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation was held within the framework of the 22nd International Industrial Exhibition "Metal-Expo 2016".
The agenda of the meeting included the current situation of the domestic steel industry and the concept of the actualized Strategy for the development of the Russian metallurgical industry until 2030, prepared by SBS Consulting.
10 November 2016
Project manager of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin presented a report on Session of a Committee of heavy engineering of Russian Engineering Union. The ...
Project manager of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin presented a report on Session of a Committee of heavy engineering of Russian Engineering Union. The presentation was devoted to supporting realization of pilot batches of products in heavy and oil-and-gas machine building. Oleg Sutyrin pointed out that one of the main problems of launching new machines on the market is high initial cost of producing pilot products and difficulty of taking references on them.
12 August 2016
Department of Economics of Sevastopol and SBS Consulting are to create the Strategy of social and economic development of Sevastopol till 2030. ...
Department of Economics of Sevastopol and SBS Consulting are to create the Strategy of social and economic development of Sevastopol till 2030. Social and economic analysis will be conducted, alternative scenarios of long term development of the city will be determined, mission and strategic goals will be formulated, according to the target scenario. To achieve the goals and realize the Strategy mechanisms and instruments will be worked out and plan of action will be suggested.
19 November 2015
On the session of a Committee of power engineering of Russian Engineering Union project manager of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin presented information ...
On the session of a Committee of power engineering of Russian Engineering Union project manager of SBS Consulting Oleg Sutyrin presented information on new instruments of government support as part of subprogram “Development of investment goods production” of the government program “Development of industry and increase of its competitive power”.
8 December 2014
SBS Consulting Company held as a moderator of the panel discussion "Energy Efficiency as a new strategic factor of competitive modes of ...
SBS Consulting Company held as a moderator of the panel discussion "Energy Efficiency as a new strategic factor of competitive modes of transport" in the framework of the III International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving ENES 2014. The panel discussion focused on the factors that influence the choice of a particular mode of transport users. Particular attention was paid to factors that determine public policies.
17 November 2014
On October 24th, St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange launched the full-fledged trading in natural gas. Alexey Dolgov, an SBS Consulting ...
On October 24th, St. Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange launched the full-fledged trading in natural gas. Alexey Dolgov, an SBS Consulting projects leader in oil and gas, acted as an expert for the “Izvestia” newspaper and commented on the prospects of the exchange trading in natural gas in Russia.
23 May 2014
SBS Consulting Company has successfully completed the project on the elaboration of the development strategy for the Chukotka until ...
SBS Consulting Company has successfully completed the project on the elaboration of the development strategy for the Chukotka until 2030.  The governor of the region highly evaluated the quality of the document. This document is available on the official site of the Chukotka Autonomous Region.
24 April 2014
Alexey Dolgov, SBS Consulting oil and gas projects leader acted as the expert of the newspaper «Izvestia» in preparation of the analytical review of ...
Alexey Dolgov, SBS Consulting oil and gas projects leader acted as the expert of the newspaper «Izvestia» in preparation of the analytical review of the global LNG market.
16 April 2014
Katya Glazova, consultant of SBS Consulting, carried out an analysis of the Russian baby milk market and forecasted the consumption in the dry ...
Katya Glazova, consultant of SBS Consulting, carried out an analysis of the Russian baby milk market and forecasted the consumption in the dry mixture segment until 2020 during the strategy development project for US manufacturer of baby milk powder.
27 February 2014
The head partner of SBS Consulting participated in 11th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum «Russia: New Sources of Growth» in a roundtable «Energy efficiency ...
The head partner of SBS Consulting participated in 11th Krasnoyarsk Economic Forum «Russia: New Sources of Growth» in a roundtable «Energy efficiency is a key to the modernization of the Russian economy».
25 November 2013
The head partner of SBS Consulting became the head of the program directorate of the Second International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy ...
The head partner of SBS Consulting became the head of the program directorate of the Second International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving ENES 2013.

21-23 november, Moscow. The Second International Forum on Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving ENES 2013, organized by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and the Government of Moscow, took place at Gostiny Dvor. The Forum ENES 2013 is not only a major event in the field of energy efficiency in Russia, but also a professional business platform where representatives of energy companies and the government reunite. ENES 2013 included the 2-day business agenda and activities of the youth day.

The head partner of SBS Consulting headed the directorate of the forum/ The business program of the Forum joined 26 events and more than 150 guests and speakers, covering all key sectors of the Russian economy – oil and gas, power and heat generation, manufacturing, agriculture and so on. The most important and urgent issues of the companies and authorities were touched during the organized industry roundtables, related to improvement of the energy efficiency. Necessary mechanisms of governmental support were offered during the discussion.

Representatives of the federal and regional authorities and the business community of the energy sector participated in the Forum, in particular: Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich, Regional Development Minister Igor Slyunyaev, Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan Ildar Khalikov, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation Anton Inyutsyn, Governor of  Chelyabinsk region Mikhail Yurevich, Deputy Mayor for Housing and Public Works Pyotr Biryukov, head of the Department of Fuel and Energy Sector Livinskiy Paul, Chairman of the Board of JSC "Sberbank of Russia" German Gref, President of the "Skolkovo" Viktor Vekselberg, President «Shneider Electric» CIS Jean-Louis Steel, General Director of "energy Efficiency Center INTER RAO UES", Chairman of the Board of JSC "RUSNANO" Anatoly Chubais and others.
The main event of ENES 2013 was the participation of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. Prime Minister examined stands of leading companies in the field of energy efficiency, took part in the round table, and also held the Presidium of the Council on modernization, where stressed that the regional energy efficiency programs are implemented. About 7 billion rubles is budgeted for implementation of government program to improve energy efficiency every year. It creates the conditions of development and introduction of new technologies."
26 July 2013
Dmitry Medvedev approved the roadmap of engineering development on July 23, 2013. The roadmap was developed by the experts of SBS Consulting and ...
Dmitry Medvedev approved the roadmap of engineering development on July 23, 2013. The roadmap was developed by the experts of SBS Consulting and describes the market outlook for engineering and sets up a clear work plan, which will be the basis for the further work of Ministry of Industry and Trade.
17 June 2013
The SBS Consulting Company participated in the report preparation: "Road map for agricultural sector development until 2020". The report ...
The SBS Consulting Company participated in the report preparation: "Road map for agricultural sector development until 2020". The report was presented at the Moscow Economic Forum and received a strong support of experts and business community representatives.

14 June 2013
Price inflation remains within safe limits for several years now. The mark of 15% last time was passed in 2002, and 10% - in 2008, a year of ...
Price inflation remains within safe limits for several years now. The mark of 15% last time was passed in 2002, and 10% - in 2008, a year of recession. However, the issue of inflation continues to be relevant. The Government (represented by the Ministry of finance) and the Central Bank keeps up efforts to reduce it, while the reports of the Federal Service of State Statistics (Rosstat) and other authorities about growth rates of consumer prices are presented as military reports.
21 March 2013
The head partner of SBS Consulting participated in a roundtable discussion on WTO accession. The key point of SBS Consulting report is that ...
The head partner of SBS Consulting participated in a roundtable discussion on WTO accession. The key point of SBS Consulting report is that Russia's entry into the WTO may lead to increased economy dependence on raw materials and even greater income differentiation.
31 January 2013
Difficulties in tax administration are related to obtaining refunds from the Government (VAT and other deductions) – thinks Alexey Kalinin, expert of ...
Difficulties in tax administration are related to obtaining refunds from the Government (VAT and other deductions) – thinks Alexey Kalinin, expert of SBS Consulting.
29 January 2013
Head of State consulting practice at SBS Consulting, Alexei Kalinin, believes that lobbied by the Ministry of Finance scheme of tax preferences will ...
Head of State consulting practice at SBS Consulting, Alexei Kalinin, believes that lobbied by the Ministry of Finance scheme of tax preferences will contribute to transforming the Far East region into the center of screwdriver plants.

24 January 2013
Experts’ opinions on economic results of 2013 are different. However, most of them are sure that Russian economy will not face serious shocks. But it ...
Experts’ opinions on economic results of 2013 are different. However, most of them are sure that Russian economy will not face serious shocks. But it is early to relax because growth of macroeconomic indicators is not expected too and no one is impervious to the renewed crisis.  
By request of “Finansovy direktor’ the Director of government consulting of SBS Consulting Alexey Kalinin commented on the external factors that will influence Russian economy. The consultant of SBS Consulting Viktoria Suknovalova commented on characteristics of Russian IPO market in 2013.
18 January 2013
Demand and supply shift in opposite directions is always a signal of emerging imbalances in the economy. However, it should be noted that the index ...
Demand and supply shift in opposite directions is always a signal of emerging imbalances in the economy. However, it should be noted that the index itself is a quite conventional concept and it shows the situation in the industry, while a significant part of Russia's GDP is defined by the services sector - said Alexei Kalinin, expert of SBS Consulting.

28 November 2012
Report on design and implementation of industrial policy.
Based on our experience, we developed an approach to industrial policy structuring in ...
Report on design and implementation of industrial policy.
Based on our experience, we developed an approach to industrial policy structuring in 2011. We got a strong positive feedback on our proposals from the leaders of various legal authorities and experts in government regulation. Due to the high relevance of this topic in Russia and demand for our ideas, we decided to provide an open access to the presentation. When using SBS Consulting materials, it is strictly required to reference the SBS Consulting Company.

20 November 2012
Industrial policy, considered as government activity towards changes in industry structure, doesn’t receive unanimous support from ...
Industrial policy, considered as government activity towards changes in industry structure, doesn’t receive unanimous support from economists.  The main reason for critics is lack of efficiency in government intervention. It is mostly due to lobbying and, consequently, contradictory public policy. The paper proposes a method of mutual reconciling of goals, objectives and tools, forming a harmonious and balanced industrial policy.
Detailed report:

19 November 2012
Key areas of action assessment.
Head of State consulting practice SBS Consulting - Alexei Kalinin assesses the Russian Government actions in ...
Key areas of action assessment.
Head of State consulting practice SBS Consulting - Alexei Kalinin assesses the Russian Government actions in implementation of the medium-term plan of the key areas of action until 2012.

11 October 2012
SBS Consulting conducted a research on infrastructure in candidate cities for 2018-World Cup football matches. Based on statistics, we ranked the ...
SBS Consulting conducted a research on infrastructure in candidate cities for 2018-World Cup football matches. Based on statistics, we ranked the cities by the condition of the three main types of infrastructure: transport, trade and housing. Examining the quality of infrastructure in the context of three proposed dimensions provides an understanding of the problem areas that require attention from the event organizers and institutions responsible for municipal economy. Detailed report:
16 August 2012
The system of public administration based on key performance indicators is a logical decision, says the head of State consulting practice at SBS ...
The system of public administration based on key performance indicators is a logical decision, says the head of State consulting practice at SBS Consulting Alexei Kalinin. However, it is difficult to make it balanced.

9 August 2012
Rustem Falyahov’s article discusses the consequences of Ministry of Economic Development initiative on the introduction of tax incentives for ...
Rustem Falyahov’s article discusses the consequences of Ministry of Economic Development initiative on the introduction of tax incentives for charitable donations. The head of State consulting practice at SBS Consulting, Alexei Kalinin, gave a short comment on this theme to

16 June 2012
Yuan prospects are considered regarding historical analogies and taking into account the features and opportunities of China’s economy – says ...
Yuan prospects are considered regarding historical analogies and taking into account the features and opportunities of China’s economy – says Alexander Korelin, Senior consultant at SBS Consulting. For more on yuan as an international reserve currency see the full article.

14 May 2012
With Russia entering the WTO leaders of many domestic plants put on their agenda a range of issues on adapting their business to the new market ...
With Russia entering the WTO leaders of many domestic plants put on their agenda a range of issues on adapting their business to the new market conditions. Maxim Volgarev, Head of institutional business support practice at SBS Consulting, tells how to address these issues in the interview to "General Director" magazine.

16 April 2012
Maxim Volgarev, Head of institutional business support practice at SBS Consulting, wrote an article on linen industry development in Russia, where he ...
Maxim Volgarev, Head of institutional business support practice at SBS Consulting, wrote an article on linen industry development in Russia, where he debunked the myth of low investment attractiveness of flax cultivation and processing in Russia.

13 April 2012
Discussion on the development of agriculture is usually emotional and politicized. However, there are just a few fundamental reasons for the dismal ...
Discussion on the development of agriculture is usually emotional and politicized. However, there are just a few fundamental reasons for the dismal panorama of domestic agriculture. Those are extremely low labour productivity and distorted by government regulation incentives for efficiency gains in production of grain. The report compares the best foreign and domestic practices of government regulation and provides assessment of scenario prospects of grain production in the Russian Federation.

1 April 2012
SBS Consulting prepared an article with analysis of inflation and monetary policy in Russia.
SBS Consulting prepared an article with analysis of inflation and monetary policy in Russia.
23 March 2012
The partner of SBS Consulting Artem Kuznetsov participated in a panel discussion on impact of Russia’s entry into the WTO. Artem highlighted the main ...
The partner of SBS Consulting Artem Kuznetsov participated in a panel discussion on impact of Russia’s entry into the WTO. Artem highlighted the main findings of the research conducted by SBS Consulting and mentioned his willingness to participate in further public discussions about the consequences of joining the WTO.
19 March 2012
SBS Consulting prepared a report on macroeconomic consequences of Russia’s entry into the WTO. According to the research, negative consequences ...
SBS Consulting prepared a report on macroeconomic consequences of Russia’s entry into the WTO. According to the research, negative consequences caused by the entry into the WTO will be 3% of GDP and 19% of annual production in the manufacturing industry and agriculture in 2020.
1 March 2012
Domestic companies were more active in bringing foreign capital last year than in 2010. Victoria Borovikova, Consultant at SBS Consulting, thinks ...
Domestic companies were more active in bringing foreign capital last year than in 2010. Victoria Borovikova, Consultant at SBS Consulting, thinks that despite investor caution, Russian IPO market has positive prospects in 2012.