SBS Consulting
Practical solutions for your business and industry Corporate presentation
Manageability of the company in unstable conditions Learn more
SBS Consulting is more than 15 years on consulting market
We help the leading enterprises to grow in various sectors of economy
We elaborate long-term development strategies, improve business processes, and cooperate with government authorities. Among our clients are the largest CIS companies: Rosneft, Gazprombank, Sibur, Phosagro, Bashkhim, OMZ and many others
Years in the market
High quality
SBS Consulting experts have experience working with international companies, bringing you quality matching international standards with the use of all modern techniques
Reasonable price
Our priority is to build long-term relationships, where the benefits from working with us exceed the costs
Short project timeline
By involving consultants, you can get a clear and applicable document describing the development priorities and all the necessary resources for their implementation within the prescribed time period
Practical solutions
Many SBS Consultants are experienced with real economy and have deep expertise to critically assess the elaborated tools, so you get a result with all the market features taken into account
Independent point of view
Professional consultants maintain impartiality and objectivity in the analysis and selection of various development alternatives

The decisions and recommendations of consultants are not influenced by career factors, we are not bound by any obligations with management
We use the best Russian and international practices
"We try to make our recommendations as applicable as possible, we do not evade the answer!"
Vladimir Samokhvalov SBS Consulting Managing Partner
We are trusted by leading companies in various sectors of economy:
19 July 2024
Director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the decrease in revenues of one of the major players of the Russian car market - manufacturer of heavy trucks KamAz.
Director of SBS Consulting Dmitry Babansky commented on the decrease in revenues of one of the major players of the Russian car market - manufacturer of heavy trucks KamAz.
18 July 2024
SBS Consulting Human Resources Director Anastasia Usanova has prepared an article for Action Cadres training platform on «Chat-bots, AI, ATS and other automation tools: where to start».
SBS Consulting Human Resources Director Anastasia Usanova has prepared an article for Action Cadres training platform on «Chat-bots, AI, ATS and other automation tools: where to start».
21 June 2024
SBS Consulting experts continue to monitor trends in the agricultural machinery market. SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the development of partnership programs between Russian and Chinese companies.
Subscriber material (corporate access on request).
SBS Consulting experts continue to monitor trends in the agricultural machinery market. SBS Consulting Director Dmitry Babansky commented on the development of partnership programs between Russian and Chinese companies.
Subscriber material (corporate access on request).